Controversial opinions on metal

@TechnicalBarbarity: Regarding The Stench of Redemption, I think this is one of the rare instances we agree on something.
So calling a decent (I didn't say they were amazing but Death Angel is at least decent) band shit is rational, but praising a great album is not?

I prefer Deicide's more melodic approach, simple as that. I love Deicide, don't get me wrong, they're solid as fuck. But Stench has great songwriting, this isn't debatable. And if you disagree, I'm sorry that you are deluded.
@divintorture LOL! Didn't you say Once Upon the Cross is your favorite from deicide? The Stench of Redemption shits all over that album.

Deicide and Death Angel are both pretty mediocre bands when compared to the rest of their respective sub-genres ... fuck 'em both.
I like the first two deicide albums, but after this Glen Benton sounds like he is complaining and bitching about how he hates god. If you do not like god that's cool. I'm Lutheran and do not give a fuck about god at all. I don't bitch and complain about anything at all. And a lot of weird shit happens to me. There is no one like John Tardy. End. Obituary has some really good shit.
Deicide is shit. Vital Remains aint much better.

Listen to Bolt Thrower. I am. Deicide/VR wish they could release something as powerful as For Victory
@divintorture LOL! Didn't you say Once Upon the Cross is your favorite from deicide? [/I]The Stench of Redemption[/I] shits all over that album.
The Stench sounds like a slightly Deicide tinged mediocre modern, stale death metal album. OUTC is full on it's own style. So no, that shit ass, wannabe Deicide does not shit on actual Deicide.

The stench of redemption is shit.
Deicide is shit. Vital Remains aint much better.

Listen to Bolt Thrower. I am. Deicide/VR wish they could release something as powerful as For Victory
They aren't shit, but I agree about Bolt Thrower.
Vital Remains first four albums are fucking classic and criminally overlooked death metal. After Benton, eh whatever.
Dechristianize has good moments here and there, I guess. I never really liked Forever Underground but the other 3 if the first 4 are definitely quite overlooked and high quality.
I don't care for newer Vital Remains, but I enjoy the first two. I will probably check out an album or two from them after these albums.
I like Bolt Thrower. Deicide and Vital Remains don't even sound similar. So why compare the bands at all.
Dechristianize is the most impressive thing the band has put out, what with the crazy blasting and sweeping, but their earlier stuff is really fucking solid death metal with a strong emphasis on riffing.

Icons of Evil is pretty much garbage, though. Hard to imagine how they went so wrong.
I agree. I've given it a few spins and the title track is all I really remember well. I just get bored of it all quick.

Here's this, again: Meshuggah is so stupid boring and bland. I am still trying to "get" them, but I don't. It's endless chuggy noise with no flare, no apparent desired effect, irritating semi-complicated odd-timed "grooves". It's boring.