Controversial opinions on metal

I need to revisit Vital Remains. Haven't given Dechristianize a spin for the better part of a decade. Maybe I'll formulate a change of discern.

I agree. I've given it a few spins and the title track is all I really remember well. I just get bored of it all quick.

Here's this, again: Meshuggah is so stupid boring and bland. I am still trying to "get" them, but I don't. It's endless chuggy noise with no flare, no apparent desired effect, irritating semi-complicated odd-timed "grooves". It's boring.

It's gonna be hard to say this without sounding snooty, so bear with me dude.

Meshuggah is a one trick pony. They do one thing, very very well. And they do it better than any of the hundreds of bands that have tried to emulate them, or use their sound as a platform.

You either like that one trick, or you don't. But they're indisputably the best at what they do, which is that odd time signature chuggy thing we call Djent. It's incredibly mathematical, formulaic, and robotic-feeling. Well-produced to a fault. Personally, I'm into it.
That doesn't sound snooty. I can go along with all of that. But, personally, I just cannot get into it or enjoy it.

Also, I did not know what Djent was until now. I never cared to ask or look it up either. However, you're the only person to just admit that Meshuggah is a one trick pony. With that, I'll give them one more go and try my best to take it for what it is, but I just don't think it's for me.

EDIT: Yes, I'm only giving them another go because you like them, Kevin. You're tastes are typically parallel to mine. And you're an elitist hipster so maybe I'm being closed minded. Haha
I agree, Axl Rose needs to have his vocal cords removed. He's lost the privilege to own vocal cords.

I also agree with those saying Meshuggah sucks. Honestly that band is like, 95% breakdown. Its not good.
Modern extreme metal is as connected to hardcore punk as it is to classic heavy metal, if not more.

Modern old school death metal is often better than vintage old school death metal.
Modern extreme metal is as connected to hardcore punk as it is to classic heavy metal, if not more.

Agreed. Metal and punk evolved in intensity at roughly the same time so there's a pretty clear overlap. Bands like Asocial, United Mutation, Discharge, and Anti Cimex were releasing material in the early 80s that rivaled the intensity of Hellhammer.
Intensity is more a spiritual (for lack of better word) trait than a musical one. Not to mention that there is plenty of extreme metal that isn't so big on intensity (most things death/doom, more straight-forward OSDM, atmospheric-leaning black metal, etc are all less intense than hardcore and grindcore).

EDIT: I mean, I'd say that Discharge, Anti Cimex, Larm, etc were more intense than Hellhammer.
What kind of punk have you heard, and what is it that never appealed to you? I'm very far from a punk fan, but there's a very small subset of 80s/early 90s bands that exist in a kind of "tech"/jazz-punk region that really appeals to me, lots of aggression but strong chops and grooves. NoMeansNo would be basically the leader of it, but there's other cool stuff like Victims Family, some of Black Flag's more experimental mid-period stuff, Plaid Retina, etc.

Obviously that's just my personal preferred niche though and may not do anything for you. For more general stuff widely heralded but maybe not super well known to a non-punk fan, there's Die Kreuzen (Voivod's biggest influence, dissonant stuff) and Agent Orange (twangy surf rock influenced punk).

I mean, there's a lot of punk out there.
I've never heard a punk band I liked. If someone wants to point me in the right direction I'll definitely explore.

A few of my favourites; this is off one of my favourite albums of all genres - Dead Kennedys:

Another favourite is Rancid; mainly ska-influenced sound but this earlier album was more bass-driven punk:

And the Exploited - their later albums especially were more metal-influenced:

But like HB says, lots of punk out there varying in styles (like metal).

**edit - that Victim's Family track was very cool!**
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these are some punk tunes i absolutely adore (sorry for the mass of youtubes but theyre mostly very short):

i also love stuff from discharge to television, and 'train in vain' by the clash is one of my all time favourite songs.
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No mention of Doom yet? Weak.

If the punk isnt crusty or filthy it can very kindly get the fuck out. I cannot get the hype of The Exploited, Cock Sparrer, Sex Pistols, Rancid etc.
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The attitudes above demonstrate that extreme metal is the musical equivalent of artificially sugar-loaded foods.