Controversial opinions on metal

In spirit.

Gaahl doesn't automatically make them metal...And frankly they shouldn't even be listed in metal archives. I know they are worlds apart stylistically, but if Agoraphobic nosebleed can't make it on than neither should these guys.

Putting Finntroll in the same sentence as Dordeduh is just wrong.

What's wrong with Finntroll?


Yes times a million. Fuck that band, and others of the like. Some of the worst shit to ever be labeled under the metal umbrella.

New Decapitated is better than the new Cannibal Corpse.

Haven't cared about either band in years.
I think goofy folk metal in general like Eluveitie, Finntroll, Ensiferum (yes, even Ensiferum) that involves fucking flutes, accordions, and violins and all that shit, is terrible as fuck.
^ Those arent "Goofy as fuck", though. Although that Einherjer song is getting close...

When mild folky elements cross into polka influenced, kilt wearing, party metal, I lump it in the same vein as Municipal Waste party thrash.

Absolutely useless and fucking gay.
I wasn't saying Dornenreich or Einherjer were goofy, I was saying the aforementioned stuff (Ensiferum, Eluveitie, Finntroll, Turisas, etc) was.

I still don't like either Dornenreich or Einherjer though. Although that song Ironbound is pretty funny.
I gotta hand to Finntroll as I simply don't normally like that party metal style. They simply add a dark tinge to it and do it better than everyone else. You at least gotta give them "best of breed" props...
Finntroll are absolute garbage.

I will stand up for the first Eluveitie album. It's not party metal by any stretch, the Celtic folk angle is well done and moderately original. Spirit is a damn good album with some strong and memorable song-writing. The Celtic folk thing isn't a gimmick, on the first album it's integral to the music. They've since kinda become a melodeath band with flutes, but they started out on the right track.
My issue is with terribly produced, female lead folk music that throws random generic violins and flutes here and there amidst the tinny sound of boring guitars.

All others, I guess I'm cool with. Can't think of any bands I'm a big fan of though.
Finntroll is actually a lot of fun if you aren't too snobby about your metal and all. The goofiness is actually what makes them appealing.