Controversial opinions on metal

New Decapitated is better than the new Cannibal Corpse.

Doesn't make it good though. The last two albums have just been ass. Vitek's drumming is what made that band. Without him, they are pretty meh.

EDIT: On that note, I've had the intro sequence to Day 69 stuck in my head since 2006. I tried learning it on the drums but could never get it right, but the drum pattern still resonate in my head once a month or so.
haha yea that's happened to me with a few drum patterns over the years.

Re Decap; I think the album is great. I agree the drumming made them great until his death. But what they've managed to do is retain the brutality while still having interesting enough drum work and most importantly create a very, very cool and eerie atmosphere with the guitars and riffs. I am surprised because I had little in the way of expectations for the record but I truly enjoy it. One of my favorite death metal releases this year.
Decapitated's Post-Vitek albums imo aren't anywhere near the quality of their older work. Videos of Vitek live stuck with me because of how much he looks like he's enjoying what he's doing, smiling through the entire performance.

Don't know how controversial this is, but post 2000 GWAR releases are genuinely good metal albums.
I enjoy Finntroll. The first two are fun. Put yeah, if you're one of those uptight booty hole metal people, then yeah, you wont like them. Ill always stick up for Ensiferum's debut, it's just a good album with strong songs, with zero depth. Basically the opposite of thinking man's metal.

Those other bands I dont care for. Suidakra has some good albums, though, and yeah they have the random folk thing going on.
I used to listen to Ensiferum for some unknown reason but I never really like them. Folk metal is very nearly a fail subgenre but a tiny number of brilliant bands save it. Arkona is one of them
Since most of this forum seems to dig it, let's bring on the hate. Every time I try listening to a track I haven't heard from the new Decapitated I end up laughing even harder than before. Seriously what the fuck happened to this band? They sound like a Meshuggah/Slipknot hybrid but faster. The riffs are so generic I honestly don't find the album heavy at all, the only decent part of the album is the production.
Got into Cirith Ungol in the past six months or so, and I've kinda been wondering if them and Trouble ever played any shows together or had a rivalry. I can imagine, for underground music fans of the time, there being a distinct preference of which awesomely screechy doom band was superior. They're really similar and got big somewhat around the same time.
Since most of this forum seems to dig it, let's bring on the hate. Every time I try listening to a track I haven't heard from the new Decapitated I end up laughing even harder than before. Seriously what the fuck happened to this band? They sound like a Meshuggah/Slipknot hybrid but faster. The riffs are so generic I honestly don't find the album heavy at all, the only decent part of the album is the production.

you're very picky, man. what bands do you like (i've asked you before)?
Exiled in Flesh is one of the best tracks i've heard this year. Second track's pretty cool too, Veins sucks ass, and the first half of the title track drags before blasting off. The second half of the album is pretty strong too, with Instinct being its standout, imo.
I don't know man, djent is definitely the new thing in the progressive/metal realm, and Decapitated sounds a lot like Meshuggah.
Nuclear Blast is a terrible label. Most of their shit just fucking sucks. It's been like this for a while too.

EDIT: I also hate most of their music videos filled with stupid clichés same as the generic music of their bands.
^ That's not really unpopular, a lot of people feel as soon as a band goes NB they're dead.

Yeah I was saying that more in context of Decapitated than as a controversial opinion. It just shouldn't be surprising that the album sucks.
Got into Cirith Ungol in the past six months or so, and I've kinda been wondering if them and Trouble ever played any shows together or had a rivalry. I can imagine, for underground music fans of the time, there being a distinct preference of which awesomely screechy doom band was superior. They're really similar and got big somewhat around the same time.

not sure, but i'd kill to have been at that show if it does indeed exist. i don't really find them that similar though, cirith ungol is a lot more spacey, '70s-leaning, fantastical etc, they rely more on texture and atmospherics, particularly on their magnum opus. trouble is more anxious and direct and nakedly emotional, often more reliant on stoned out grooves too (to their detriment imo). trouble are probably a considerably bigger name than cirith ungol too, vitus are a better reference point for trouble in terms of level of popularity methinks... granted, that may not have been the case back then.

both wonderful, singular, seminal bands anyways. although trouble never had the writing chops to make an album of KOTD's consistent quality, their best moments were among the most sky-crackingly powerful in metal's history. people who dismiss them for the lyrical themes are missing out on some one-of-a-kind, overwhelming, beaauuuuutiful music.
Word to all of that... but you gotta admit vocals are pretty much twins.

I am not into Cirith Ungol enough yet to say if I like them better than Trouble, but they can definitely go head to head so far.