Controversial opinions on metal

Arise is awesome

Roots sucks balls

Everything they have done since has been crap. But then again, in my eyes Sepultura died with Roots so whatever.

Edit: Oh and burgerboy's opinions still seem to be just as retarded and irrelevant as ever. And i had just took him off my ignore list thinking maybe he had come to his senses ... guess not.
Beneath the Remains is the best of their thrash stuff. Arise is a boring rehash of Beneath the Remains. Chaos AD is the awkward stepping stone, and Roots is where they finally found their sound. Then they imploded so everything after that is irrelevant.
Morbid Visions is horrible. They could barely play. I've heard rehearsal room recordings that were recorded on a crappy tape deck that sound better.
I dig Morbid Visions. The musicianship is adequate. The guitars are slightly out of tune, but that honestly just lends it atmosphere. It's not exactly Hell Awaits, but it's solid.
Schizophrenia and Beneath the Remains are their two best, Arise and Morbid Visions aren't too far behind.

Chaos AD grew on me throughout the years ... i hated it to death back when it came out, now i find it not only to be rather tolerable, but pretty enjoyable.
Morbid Visions is horrible. They could barely play. I've heard rehearsal room recordings that were recorded on a crappy tape deck that sound better.

It doesn't sound nearly that rough bro. There's still a general sense of structure and riffage present, so it's not like it's some kind of Bathory-tier necroshitfest.
Beneath the Remains is the best of their thrash stuff. Arise is a boring rehash of Beneath the Remains. Chaos AD is the awkward stepping stone, and Roots is where they finally found their sound. Then they imploded so everything after that is irrelevant.

I'd agree with this and change it to Chaos AD being their other quintessential album, after Beneath the Remains.

They're trying too hard in Roots and Arise is a bit of a rehash. Everything else is below these four albums.
It doesn't sound nearly that rough bro. There's still a general sense of structure and riffage present, so it's not like it's some kind of Bathory-tier necroshitfest.

I always hated it. I somehow ended up with a copy of the original vinyl and we used to put it on and laugh at it. I just checked the remaster on youtube and it's slightly better but not much. They sound like a rehearsal room band. It's so teenage that it hurts. I know everyone has to start somewhere but I don't get how it is ranked as worthy by anyone.
I always hated it. I somehow ended up with a copy of the original vinyl and we used to put it on and laugh at it. I just checked the remaster on youtube and it's slightly better but not much. They sound like a rehearsal room band. It's so teenage that it hurts. I know everyone has to start somewhere but I don't get how it is ranked as worthy by anyone.

The drumming is tighter than that of Seven Churches fwiw, and they were actually able to play some fast (and not completely messy) tremolo picked riffs back when others were struggling to play trudging eighth-note Celtic Frost riffs. More cohesive than early Sodom, Hellhammer, etc too.
Blood in, Blood Out is good but its just too freaking long. Why do extreme metal bands even bother with albums over an hour long? Very fucking rarely should a metal album be over 45 minutes, imo.
The faster and more aggressive the music, the shorter the album should be. Most death metal albums should clock in at about 30 minutes.

Very very few bands, of any style of music, have the ability to write an album that's an hour long and doesn't lose my interest before the end.
.. you're exaggerating. That album fucking rips, maybe it's just a bit too rough around the edges for you softies.


The drumming is tighter than that of Seven Churches fwiw, and they were actually able to play some fast (and not completely messy) tremolo picked riffs back when others were struggling to play trudging eighth-note Celtic Frost riffs. More cohesive than early Sodom, Hellhammer, etc too.

I don't think I ever actually listened to Seven Churches. But yeah saying it's slightly less shit that other shitty shit still makes it shit.