Controversial opinions on metal

So Wayne 'Static' died, apparently from a drug overdose. This is horrible news. I was not a fan of his music in the least, but anyone dying prematurely, especially from drugs, is an awful thing. Assuming this was an overdose, what are your thoughts? Preventable, or not?
I've bought several Virgin Steele CDs and i can firmly say i was disappointed by every single one. Manilla Road by far. IM A STREET JAMMER.
I've bought several Virgin Steele CDs and i can firmly say i was disappointed by every single one. Manilla Road by far. IM A STREET JAMMER.

Don't know man. Marriage of Heaven and Hell is pretty baller so far.

I do agree that this board overrates Manilla Road by orders of magnitude compared to most other bands discussed.
I honestly don't understand how people don't get greatness that lies within Crystal Logic.

If you can't sing along to that album I pretty much assume you're a douchebag in all other aspects of your life.
Manilla Road are a kickass old school metal band that have consistently evolved their sound over a lengthy career. They are held back by unimpressive production jobs and somewhat shaky vocals, but have released a number of excellent albums. They are not the best at what they do, but they deserve a lot of respect for their pure relentlessness.
Then go find your favorite nursery rhyme and get Shelton to play a boring power chord progression underneath. It's singable music because it's mind-numbingly boring music.
I'm not either. It's okay HB.

Shelton sounds like MR got some drunk homeless guy off the street and told him 'We'll give you beer money if you do this' then let him suck all their dicks for extra money. Probably why his throat is all raspy.
How is that not metal and awesome?

Edit: Ozz and HBB saying they aren't douchebags :lol: it's like me saying I'm not....