Controversial opinions on metal

Manilla Road is overrated on this forum, yes, but they don't suck. Crystal Logic is one of the best metal albums ever. The rest can contain some good stuff. Some people here just think that all they fucking touch is gold or something, which is not true.
The big 4 all suck, don't deny it.
Metallica put out 2-3 good albums but the only people that ever made metallica good were Dave and Cliff
megadeth are over rated but i can deal with some of their music
slayer all early albums are excellent anything after 1995 can suck my dick
and Anthrax never put ANYTHING good out

fuck it
It's impossible not to mention how contradictory your post is. It would bring me joy to see you write your posts more eloquently.
Among The Living is a good record, do you mind elaborating on what makes them suck, or are you not capable of such tasks?
Spreading the Disease is pretty solid, but yeah Anthrax are overall not a particularly good band.

Metallica's first four range from absolutely godlike to diamond-in-the-rough, after that it's not thrash anymore but honestly I listen to all of their first seven.

Megadeth have two albums I'll listen to - Rust in Peace and Killing is My Business. Other than that they can fuck off. Still, those are some killer fucking albums.

And the first four albums and EP by Slayer are fucking flawless.

In summary, unless you consider any band that ever released anything that wasn't absolutely perfect to suck, you're as close to objectively wrong as it's possible to be when discussing something subjective.
FOAD is one of Datkrhones best albums.

"You have nothing in common with me
You think old-school is 1993
Ha! I've been a thrasher since '84
and almost nothing sounds true anymore

I've made my own code
sold my soul to Manilla Road
Modern metal I don't give a fuck
UH! I was raised on rock"

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Big 4 is mostly moneymaking trademark and of coure there are better bands out there then are in Big 4, but I think they represent the genre pretty well in terms of style.

Anthrax are more heavy/speed/power metal oriented, they really don't take themself seriously, they got this kinda punky style or vibe, and yeah, they are below average thrash band, but i quite like them. Also Benante is quite a good drummer I think, definitely underrated by some. I also like the lyrics - King's novels, comic books, they don't write about common thrash metal subjects.

Megadeth point out to prog and thrash direction and no, they aren't overrated, I think their latter relases put a bad light on them, but everything up to Countdown is good, while Peace Sells and RIP are great.

Slayer might be considered as a Death Metal influence, both musically and lyrically, and they are the most thrashy of all if you look at all their output.

Metallica, well we all know Metallica, they are Thrash Metal, they fucked up, but every band has to evolve, they chose direction that pissed fans, but everything prior to black album is the definition of Thrash.

What I wanted to say is that these bands have history, laid basics and are great entry bands - based on which one of them you like, they may point you to more specific thrash style/subgenre. You may not like them but you can't take away any credit off them.