Controversial opinions on metal

There's definitely a band with death metal instruments and exclusively clean vocals. The way the labeling system works it would either be labeled "death/thrash" or "progressive death metal"
People claiming Priest are overrated are just as silly as that opinion. You can't have both words "Priest" and "overrated" in one sentence.

How are they not over rated? They have 16 (17,18?) albums, 3 or 4 of which are excellent, a small handful good, and the rest varying between decent and shit, mostly being shit. Irrespective of this fact they're worshiped as heavy metal gods. It's obviously due to their legacy as pioneers, which is rightly deserved, but based purely on musical output? Yea, undeniably over rated.
I disagree with that. There's definitely differences between everything, the instruments, the vocals, even production. Possessed was heavier than any thrash band, in every regard.

GMD: Where we disagree with death metal pioneers

If I am defining death metal to someone, the first thing I focus on is the vocals. Sure, they exist in other genres spattered about (Sadus and such), but the main distinguishing factor of death metal against all other genres is vocal style. Same goes for black metal, but you could also argue production style there.

How are they not over rated? They have 16 (17,18?) albums, 3 or 4 of which are excellent, a small handful good, and the rest varying between decent and shit, mostly being shit. Irrespective of this fact they're worshiped as heavy metal gods. It's obviously due to their legacy as pioneers, which is rightly deserved, but based purely on musical output? Yea, undeniably over rated.

The only albums that you could consider 'bad' from Judas Priest are Jugulator (although Cathedral Spires is nuts) and maybe Painkiller. The reason I say Painkiller is because it's trendhopping and there are only a few tracks on that record that aren't boring in my opinion. and maybe half of Point of Entry, but that has some killer tunes on it.
I don't get the hype. All of the 70s albums (except Rocka Rolla but it isn't really metal at lots of points) Killing Machine, British Steel and Screaming for Vengeance could be considered that, but Painkiller is too same-y to me.

You could throw Defenders in there as well, but I know some people here pan it for whatever reason.

I'll give Painkiller another listen. Last time I listened there were only two tracks that stood out to me, the title track and Hell Patrol.
Good band. Their other albums are far more kvlt than that one they finished their career with, finally signed to a big label.
I disagree with that. There's definitely differences between everything, the instruments, the vocals, even production. Possessed was heavier than any thrash band, in every regard.

a) no, they definitely were not "heavier than any thrash band, in every regard"

and b) they were, and basically have always been a death/thrash band.

Oh and Weapon are fuckin awesome. From the Devil's Tomb is my favorite from them.

The guitar riffs remind me a lot of 90's metalcore, but more technical.

:lol: Psycroptic's riffs remind you of 90's metalcore??? WTF? :lol: I've heard people refer to their last album as partly tech-thrash, but metalcore? :lol: Any comparisons you can point out?
GMD: Where we disagree with death metal pioneers

If I am defining death metal to someone, the first thing I focus on is the vocals. Sure, they exist in other genres spattered about (Sadus and such), but the main distinguishing factor of death metal against all other genres is vocal style. Same goes for black metal, but you could also argue production style there.

The only albums that you could consider 'bad' from Judas Priest are Jugulator (although Cathedral Spires is nuts) and maybe Painkiller. The reason I say Painkiller is because it's trendhopping and there are only a few tracks on that record that aren't boring in my opinion. and maybe half of Point of Entry, but that has some killer tunes on it.

I definitely believe to Painkiller to be grossly over-rated, but it's far from shite. There are some decent tracks there. it is a bit generic, however, and lacking that 'spark' that made Priest great through the early 80s.
If judged only by their post-Defenders output, I could see them being called "over-rated". But their 70s and early 80s output is godly, on par with the best of Sabbath, Zep, Maiden, and Purple.
The use of growling vocals by bands like Between the Buried and Me, Agalloch, and Thou are inconsistent with the music; I suspect they only do it because they couldn't find a proper singer.

I do agree that the growls make little sense to Agalloch's music…..and they make less sense in modern Enslaved. (Gods I wish Grutle would just stop it already!) But I tend to think these bands *want* this vocal style and aren't just settling on it because they can't find a true singer. for good or bad, it's part of the aesthetic.
I disagree with that. There's definitely differences between everything, the instruments, the vocals, even production. Possessed was heavier than any thrash band, in every regard.

good1m8. Seven Churches has so much stuff straight out of the Exodus and Slayer playbooks.

EDIT: And while vox are the easiest way to differentiate metal genres, it's not the best. Riffing style is the most important component.
I do agree that the growls make little sense to Agalloch's music…..and they make less sense in modern Enslaved. (Gods I wish Grutle would just stop it already!) But I tend to think these bands *want* this vocal style and aren't just settling on it because they can't find a true singer. for good or bad, it's part of the aesthetic.

Agalloch have them because they started as a black metal band and are still heavily rooted in black metal. Same for enslaved. I'd sooner have enslaved ditch some of the dodgy cleans than the harsh stuff which works just fine.

And they make perfect sense in Enslaved's current output. Two of the most recent EPs are black metal. And even if you think of the albums as purely prog, prog has always been all about outlandish and weird vocals. It's the modern proggy metal shit with soft in key totally boring and irritating, wouldnt be out of place in soft rock or pop, vocals that need to fuck off.
Painkiller is a top 20 metal album and is killer from start to finish. The title track is one of two songs I use to introduce people to metal (the other being Angel of Death). It epitomizes the genre.
Hard to explain. I don't think it's necessarily better than Sad Wings or Sin After Sin, but I find myself listening to it more than them. Painkiller is a raging full speed heavy metal machine gun.