Controversial opinions on metal

Of the big second wave bands the only one I've never got into is Mayhem. I still think everything up to and including DMDS is decent though.

Enslaved and Darkthrone are by far my favourites. Both have a bunch of great albums and both have a fuck load of other albums that are at worst average but generally quite good. Quality and quantity.
My controversial opinions:
Slipknot is a good band and The Gray Chapter is a great album. People just like hating things that are popular.

The use of growling vocals by bands like Between the Buried and Me, Agalloch, and Thou are inconsistent with the music; I suspect they only do it because they couldn't find a proper singer.

Younger audiences are fooled into thinking that anything with a clean break in it is some how "progressive" even though metal bands have been doing that for decades.

"Technical" whatever = ADHD

Pantera is only popular again because of Dimebag, and Dimebag is only popular again because he's dead.
Wrong on all counts.

Enslaved destroys Burzum in all manner of sound. Burzum is probably the most over rated band in history along with Sabbath and Priest.

Oh how many enemies did I just make!?!

I was gonna tell you that youre wrong too, but that would be like putting a dog's face into his own shit on the floor. The dog knows what it did was wrong.
I like Psycroptic, don't get me wrong, but they sound more like technical metalcore than technical death metal.
... lol! For the thousandth time kido, vocals are not what define the style or sub-genre of the music. So aside from some of the core vox(which a shit load of DM bands incorporate), how the fuck do Pyscroptic sound like a metalcaore band to you? :lol:

Shit music is still shit music regardless of how popular the band is.

Thanks for saying the exact same thing as i did.
... lol! For the thousandth time kido, vocals are not what define the style or sub-genre of the music. So aside from some of the core vox(which a shit load of DM bands incorporate), how the fuck do Pyscroptic sound like a metalcaore band to you? :lol:

Thanks for saying the exact same thing as i did.

I don't pay attention to every post. I'm not talking just the vocals in Pyscroptic, the instruments too, but that's just my opinion.
That's funny because I'm reading a book that interviews people who started the death metal scene and they say the vox are what distinguished it from thrash at least at that time
I disagree with that. There's definitely differences between everything, the instruments, the vocals, even production. Possessed was heavier than any thrash band, in every regard.