Controversial opinions on metal

I hadn't listened to a lot of DT until a while ago I decided to listen to their entire discography. As someone who's never been a fan of the band and therefore not having cared about or used to their original sound I felt the atmosphere and grooviness of ToT outweighed the complexity and originality of most of the other albums, but still I can understand if a lot of people would hate on it for its "vntrve"ness.

It's not really an vntrveness factor, I just can't get into 11 minute progressive metal songs that sacrifice melody for chuggery with added angsty embarrassment. I don't mind the occasional heavier/groovier song from them, but Train of Thought was way too much in that direction for me.
Yeah man, one of mine as well.

I was going to put earlier that Immortal is the best 2nd wave black metal band but I hesitated. As much as I love Immortal, can't put them above Burzum.
That's ridiculous. Chuck's vocals aren't "the best" by any measure, but they fit Death really well. Mustaine is abominable in any era, and absolutely ruins what would otherwise be good thrash.
Mustaine has fans, weirdly enough. I find him tolerable on KiMB and he doesn't ruin RiP for me, and that's all I care about.

Edit: In the Nightside is a great album, and I'm not even big on black metal.

Yes. Seriously, people hating on ITNE? You guys are fucking retards. That album is flawless. There's nothing overly polished about the production, either. It's raw and dark without sounding like dogshit.
The original production on ITNE is solid, but the remastered versions that force the keyboards up front? Almost ruins it.
Immortal and Burzum are the most overrated BM bands ever and I don't understand why people like them so much. Immortal is good for introducing people to BM but Burzum is sooooooooooooo boring.
Immortal is great. Enslaved rules them all. Helheim and Hades first two albums each are better than Mayhem, Burzum, Satyricon and Darkthrone.
That's the worst opinion I have ever heard.

He is speaking the truth. The first four Burzum records are elite. Only Miko Aspa era Deathspell Omega matches in terms of consistency.

As for Immortal, Pure Holocaust is masterful. Those who cannot appreciate the arrangements on that record have only the inferiority of their own mind to blame. A lot of the other early records are quite good as well, though not on the level of PH. However, every record from Damned in Black onwards is definitively mediocre.
Are you fucked up or something? How can you deny the greatness and influence of Hvis Lyset Tar Oss or Filosofem?

I'm not denying their influence (especially on hipsters) but I will definitely deny Burzum ever being a good band.
He is speaking the truth. The first four Burzum records are elite. Only Miko Aspa era Deathspell Omega matches in terms of consistency.

As for Immortal, Pure Holocaust is masterful. Those who cannot appreciate the arrangements on that record have only the inferiority of their own mind to blame. A lot of the other early records are quite good as well, though not on the level of PH. However, every record from Damned in Black onwards is definitively mediocre.

Your argument is invalid. I never said I disliked Immortal. I said they're a good band to get people into black metal. I don't dislike their music but I never have the urge to listen to them.