Controversial opinions on metal

Yeah, Slipknot isn't bad. I think the reason they are so hated among metalheads is that most of their work isn't metal, yet the band represents metal to the general public who doesn't know anything about metal. And aside from for the most part not being metal, Slipknot is not a good representative of metal because they are so gimmicky and juvenile (which in itself can be a valid reason to dislike them).

I try to stay away from this whole "because they're popular thing," but I stil don't like Slipknot. Their first album wasn't too bad, but it's been a total drop off since then.
Their new song might be somewhat metal, but the vocals are absolutely excruciating, and I'm actualy a Stone Sour fan and enjoy his vocals there. I don't know what it is about them... but they just don't sound right.
St Anger wasn't a let down, was everything they said it would be =/
Cradle of Filth are good.
Iron Maiden are better than Metallica.
Anette doesn't completely fail singing Dark chest of wonders.
I have alot more but they're all I can think of atm.
FUCK Slipknot.

I agree with this, and it has nothing to do with their popularity or the fact that people think they're a metal band.

St Anger wasn't a let down, was everything they said it would be =/

I'm pretty sure they marketed it as a return to form, which it clearly isn't. I'd also be impressed if they managed to record something that was actually worse than St. Anger.
I actually like Nigthwish's new singer more. Their old one just sounds like a generic choir girl.
I think they're both good for different reasons.
Tarja is ultimately better though imo but they're very different. I don't think Anette does old nightwish songs well and Tarja wouldn't do new nightwish songs well.
Tarja is still a pretty typical operatic female vocalist. It's pretty funny how Nightwish fans think she's really amazing. I really find her voice shrill and annoying at times.