Controversial opinions on metal

I used to say the same shit about Nile. At first I loved them, then I hated them. They're did something a bit different & got a good sound of it. I came full circle on my feelings about them - I now love them again, more than I did at first. I saw them live & was blown away.

Don't get me wrong, I love both Nile and Deicide, but I feel like there are hundreds of other bands that deserve more attention.

Behemoth is probably the only death metal band I think deserves its popularity, but I think Nergal has gone a little overboard with the videos. :lol:
Now this is controversial: The new Slipknot song on their myspace page is actually pretty good, and it's most definitely metal. My roommate is into Slipknot, and was looking at their page, and that's when I heard it. I thought that there was some kind of mistake and somehow a metal song from another band got on their page.
Now this is controversial: The new Slipknot song on their myspace page is actually pretty good, and it's most definitely metal. My roommate is into Slipknot, and was looking at their page, and that's when I heard it. I thought that there was some kind of mistake and somehow a metal song from another band got on their page.

Yeah, that's weird. It's not really that good but there's certainly a death metal-esque sound there.
The End Complete was good, but not great, IMO. It seems that with that album they started the transition from regular OSDM to more of a groove death sound characteristic of their later work (most notably World Demise and the like).
Yeah, that's weird. It's not really that good but there's certainly a death metal-esque sound there.
I wonder if they intentionally did that, since they realize that death metal is getting more popular now, with bands like Nile and Behemoth playing the Ozzfest. But then again, some of the members grew up with death metal. The guitarist has an Immolation tatoo on his shoulder.
That new Slipknot song is METAL. That is my point. It's not the best metal, but it's still metal, and I'd even say it's not bad. My roommate said "this sounds exactly like the stuff you listen to" (he was referring to death metal). I wouldn't go that far, but it is definitely metal. There is no sampling/mc-ing, or whatever the fuck you wanna call it. It's just guitars and drums.
it may be metal and it may even be better than prior slipknot but it still sucks

also far be it from me to defend ex-cally boo but alter is far more of an idiot
It's an alright song, and it is metal. But the reason I enjoy Slipknot (yes, I actually enjoy Slipknot :loco:) is for their interesting mix of industrial, rap and metal.
Yeah, Slipknot isn't bad. I think the reason they are so hated among metalheads is that most of their work isn't metal, yet the band represents metal to the general public who doesn't know anything about metal. And aside from for the most part not being metal, Slipknot is not a good representative of metal because they are so gimmicky and juvenile (which in itself can be a valid reason to dislike them).
^Just my thoughts.

The ultimate controversy:

Slipknot > Slayer.

...Don't worry. I respect Slayer for their earlier material, but it just isn't my kind of metal at all.