Controversial opinions on metal

The only controversy I can think of is that Manilla Road and Witchfinder General both suck and are boring beyond boring, heralded for I don't fucking know why. Not bad but not good, and since when did mediocrity make its way into conversation? Tell me albums that would change my mind, I've only heard random songs.
The only controversy I can think of is that Manilla Road and Witchfinder General both suck and are boring beyond boring, heralded for I don't fucking know why. Not bad but not good, and since when did mediocrity make its way into conversation? Tell me albums that would change my mind, I've only heard random songs.

It's like, so raw and primitive dude, you just have to get it man

Both bands are hipster indie for the true metalhead. Style-over-substance, stupid-simple songs with almost non-existent riffs and a lol-irony slant. Horrible bands.
The only controversy I can think of is that Manilla Road and Witchfinder General both suck and are boring beyond boring, heralded for I don't fucking know why. Not bad but not good, and since when did mediocrity make its way into conversation? Tell me albums that would change my mind, I've only heard random songs.
The shortest ones are the best.