Controversial opinions on metal

The only controversy I can think of is that Manilla Road and Witchfinder General both suck and are boring beyond boring, heralded for I don't fucking know why. Not bad but not good, and since when did mediocrity make its way into conversation? Tell me albums that would change my mind, I've only heard random songs.

crystal logic 4eva
Deep Purple is more rock than metal.

lol, no shit. Only a few of their albums fall into the heavy metal category. And the ones that do, are about as metal as it got in the early 70's and basically birthed the genre with those albums ... along with the few other bands i mentioned the last time we had this convo. That's what heavy metal sounded like in the early 70's, you seem to be not taking that into consideration and think that they're were supposed to sound like priest, maiden or some shit.

If you can list any albums that were more metal than DPiR and MH from 70-72(outside of Sabbath) i'd love to hear em.

All that being said, Deep Purple are the greatest hard rock/heavy metal band of all time.
lol, no shit. Only a few of their albums fall into the heavy metal category. And the ones that do, are about as metal as it got in the early 70's and basically birthed the genre with those albums ... along with the few other bands i mentioned the last time we had this convo. That's what heavy metal sounded like in the early 70's, you seem to be not taking that into consideration and think that they're were supposed to sound like priest, maiden or some shit.

Sabbath was the founder of Metal, Deep Purple is just a blend of mostly rock/(questionably metal? what is metal about them really?). Proto metal you could call them.

If you can list any albums that were more metal than DPiR and MH from 70-72(outside of Sabbath) i'd love to hear em.

Lucifer's Friend. Budgie. Bang. Sabbath is the founder of the genre so it makes sense that they were the only true metal band at the time though.

All that being said, Deep Purple are the greatest hard rock/heavy metal band of all time.

Ehhhhh... no.
Dude, i already mentioned every band you just named the last time we had this conversation, so why are you bringing up the few bands that i already said can be compared to them in terms of heaviness? And that was what, like a week ago? :lol:

along with the few other bands i mentioned the last time we had this convo.

And outside of Sabbath and maybe Lucifers Friend, no other band was on the same level as them in terms of heavy metal.

They ARE one of the bands along with Black Sabbath that birthed the genre. Sabbath were not the sole "founders" of heavy metal bro. They actually used to be called hard rock back then too, but them(along with DP AND THE FEW BANDS I ALREADY MENTIONED) were the bands that basically "founded" the genre. Look up heavy metal and your going to see that just about every source on this planet is going to name them as ONE OF THE FIRST HEAVY METAL BANDS OF ALL TIME bro. I'm truly surprised that im having to explain this to you.

Also, I just don't know how someone can listen to DPiR and MH and question the metalness of those albums, and im talking about fro the opening fucking tracks ... just weird. I guess some of you people think metal started with priest and maiden or some bullshit of the sort.

And yes, they are the greatest hard rock/heavy metal band of all time ... without a fucking doubt.