Controversial opinions on metal

No certantity surrounding Jacula. Cool stuff though.

Calling Deep Purple the best hard rock/heavy metal band ever is pretty ridiculous, but we're all used to you spewing garbage as absolute truth with your only way to back it up being :lol:s My problem with the band is that while they have a couple cool songs per album the rest of the songs are such absolute garbage I end up turning the album off.
with your only way to back it up being :lol:s
Are you sick in the head, or did you miss my half page response? Or did you read all that and come away with a :lol:? Is that your new way of trying to hackle me bru?

Calling Deep Purple the best hard rock/heavy metal band ever is pretty ridiculous

It's called an opinion you twat. Also, how the fuck is it ridiculous? You honestly think i'm the only person in the world that considers them the best hard rock/heavy metal band all time? Yea, that deserves a :lol: The only thing ridiculous here is you actually calling that statement ridiculous. "OMG DEEP PURPLE ARE ONE OF THE BEST HARD/ROCK HEAVY METAL BANDS?? THAT'S A FIRST!!!!" Is that fucking news to you? I wouldn't be surprised if you didnt even know who the fuck they were a year or two ago because you were too busy listening to your deathcore cd's bruh. So please, don't tell me that an opinion that's shared by millions of people is out of the norm.

My problem with the band ... rest of the songs are such absolute garbage I end up turning the album off.

Yea, that's definitely your problem. Oh and here's another one for you ... :lol:
there are loads of more ridiculous and unorthodox opinions on this message board on a daily basis than purple being the best band ever tbh. i've never been a *huge* fan myself but they were obviously pretty great in the early '70s.
I didn't say best band ever bro. I said they're the best hard rock/heavy metal band of all time. They are number #2 for me in terms of bands form the 70's. I think Sabbath are way better but i don't consider them hard rock/heavy metal, even though those names were interchangeable at those times.
i like how you're argumentative even when people defend you lol

sabbath were objectively, factually hard rock and/or heavy metal at various points during the '70s btw. deep purple's heavy metal status is far more debatable, although i don't personally dispute it.
... i agree.

Sabbath were clearly heavier and were the first "pure" heavy metal band. Hard rock has always been a huge part of DP's sound... to this day even. That's why i don't throw BS in there with DP, Rainbow etc.

Also, i wasn't arguing with you ... it's just that you clearly misunderstood me, as i never said they were the "best band ever".
My problem with the band is that while they have a couple cool songs per album the rest of the songs are such absolute garbage I end up turning the album off.

Exactly. "Nobody gonna take my car, gonna keep it till the eeeend" Dude no one cares about your car bro. Materialistic rock?

WTF? Aren't you a teacher? So if they were the first "pure" heavy metal band that means that they were the "sole creators/founders" of the genre? SO HM was "created" by a single band? :lol: x2

If you want to nit pick on lyrics i can fucking bust out endless pages of 80's trad metal that will make you fucking cringe to your stomach. But personally, i don't give much of a shit about lyrics ... which you seem to do.

edit: Also, DP had petty good lyrics anyway. WTF is wrong with Highway Star? It's '71 and the guy is singing about his V8 beast. Not metalz enough for you?
... i agree.

Sabbath were clearly heavier and were the first "pure" heavy metal band. Hard rock has always been a huge part of DP's sound... to this day even. That's why i don't throw BS in there with DP, Rainbow etc.

ah ok, i thought by hard rock/heavy metal you meant either/or as opposed to classing "hard rock/heavy metal" as a separate genre from "heavy metal" and "hard rock". nm.

Also, i wasn't arguing with you ... it's just that you clearly misunderstood me, as i never said they were the "best band ever".

true but my point still stands :p it's far from ridiculous to think purple are the best band ever, let alone the best heavy metal/hard rock band ever.

Wow that was a fuckin good one. I'm fucking tearing up form laughter right now.

I'd rather take a bullet to the head than listen to anything from those 3(minus a track or two from AfD). Wow, you actually listen to that garbage? :lol:

Throwing those named next to DP is just absolutely mind-blowing. Comparing garbage 80's glam rock to those legends? :lol:
I'm a little confused here .... so your saying that they're not one of the best hard rock/heavy metal bands? Or is my reading comprehension failing me? lol

Which HR/HM bands would you say are better?

i was disagreeing with krow not you. my basic point was: there is nothing 'ridiculous' about your love of deep purple

ok let's move on lol
Van Halen's albums are pretty inconsistent, but the highlights of their first five or so could make a few excellent albums put together.