Controversial opinions on metal

I don't see how Black Sabbath - Black Sabbath is anything less than 100% heavy metal. I know other tracks had blues/rock influences. But Black Sabbath the song is as pure as it gets. The first of its kind.
Ride the Lightning is the worst of the first 4 Metallica albums. Creeping Death & Call of Kthulu are both amazing songs, but the rest are vastly overrated. It feels like a transitional album between different styles of KEA and MoP. The vocals particularly feel at odds with the instrumentation. It just feels throws together and not a complete effort.

I'd go AJfA > MoP > RtL > KEA but it's pretty close to a toss up. Each of those has a few excellent songs.
I mean, I don't hear very many heavy metal bands that were like "we have to copy Deep Purple!" whereas Sabbath spawned whole genres.

You do realize that they inspired just about every heavy metal band that came out of the UK, right? Some of their songs, including the one you love ripping so much are considered to be amongst the first "speed metal" tracks of all time brosef. They were one of the fastest, most aggressive and most energetic groups of their time. If you cant hear their influence in most 80's heavy metal than i don't know what to say.

I don't see how Black Sabbath - Black Sabbath is anything less than 100% heavy metal.

Like you said, that track is pure metal. I don't think anyone is going to question that.
They were one of the fastest, most aggressive and most energetic groups of their time.

They were one of the fastest, most aggressive and most energetic ROCK groups of their time.

Sabbath's Children of the Grave sounds far more like speed metal than Highway Star. Just listen to them side by side, the riffing, the vocals, the lyrics, everything is darker in Sabbath's. All Highway Star has is the speed. It's rock compared to this..
Yes, that is another one of the "early speed metal" songs. Not questioning that one bit. Both bands have a few more similar tracks too, such as Fireball and Symptom of the Universe. Fireball might just be the closest to the actual speed metal out of all of those tracks though.

All Highway Star has is the speed. It's rock compared to this

Ok bro, in your own little world DP were never a heavy metal band and BS were the only HM band of the early 70s'. Everything else was rock. EVERYTHING! Lets just rewrite history. Can we please move on now?
could be argued that a lot of the NWOBHM (for example) was more about blazing speed, energy and exuberance than "darkness" though, so i'm not sure that's the only criteria for defining metal-ness. i personally prefer the sabbath strain a lot more, just sayin'
Ride the Lightning and Master of Puppets are both practically beyond criticism and amazingly creative and influential albums that destroy most other discographies.
What is there not to understand? They are one of the first heavy metal bands of all time. That is a fucking stone cold fact, not an opinion. END OF FUCKING STORY! FUUUUUCCKCKKKK GODDAMMNIT! Are you guys really trying to write down your own fucking thoughts and opinions as facts? WTF?????