Controversial opinions on metal

And then you top it off by saying it's on par with Coroner in terms of tech-thash? :lol: You must be fucking with me, there's no way you're that fucking stupid.

What songs on the first three Coroner albums would you say are so obviously more technical? To me, Coroner was a band that exists at the border between flashy/lead-driven thrash and proper technical/progressive thrash, gradually moving from the former to the latter over their career. Five Magics has all the busy lead work and plenty of riff and timing changes, and I'd argue that Menza's stuff on that album was more elaborate than anything Marquis did in early Coroner.
Punishment for Decadence is basically just RIP with the Iron Maiden/trad metal influence removed. The songs are still pretty straight-forward and lead-heavy.
Pale Sister is probably my very favorite thrash metal song. I have to admit that years of intent listening have caused certain flaws in them to stick out (repetitive soloing ideas on the first two, a few more borrowed riffs than I would usually tolerate from a favorite, relatively average drumming compared to the guitar/bass), but at their most inspired they hit so many highs. Anacrusis would probably edge them out for a favorite thrash band today, but it's still a close call.
I kinda see where HBB is going and he's right that drumming-wise, Coroner was pretty straightforward in their early career and that Five Magics has a lot of tempo changes, lots of leads, unusual structure and there isn't riff that repeats through the song I think.
Rust in Peace pretty much defines what thrash metal is in my opinion.

I don't know how this opinion isn't Kill Em All or Show No Mercy, but whatevz

Do you guys still think Reign in Blood rules? I was big on it in high school but just listened to it again, seriously hasn't aged well. I am gay for Haunting the Chapel/Hell Awaits these days but Show No Mercy might be a top3 thrash metal album ever
I love Show No Mercy but I rarely listen to other Slayer these days. Haunting the Chapel is good too though.

Reign in Blood isn't exactly bad it's just a bit lacking in variation.
I dunno, I find that the more I listen to Reign in Blood the more I hear variation anyways. Maybe it's because as I become more familiar with it I can point out the minor details where other albums wouldn't get that opportunity, but excluding the general intensity/feeling of the album (which obviously should be consistent), there are still different ideas going around. Some of the stuff is almost proto-death metal, others like (IIRC) Epidemic resemble their earliest speed/thrash-y stuff just played a lot faster, you've got the classic "lengthy" bookends and the very immediate songs, etc. It's probably more diverse than Darkness Descends and others from the heaviest side of thrash.

If anything I like Slayer more now than I ever have before. They aren't my personal preference stylistically anyways, but for what they are I can appreciate them much more.
Show No Mercy has a beautiful sound, much, much better than Kill Em All. It's fucking pure sex. If the end of the world came, that shit would start blasting.