Controversial opinions on metal

Most thrash is goofy gay shit, especially new retro thrash, but a few albums fucking slay. Most doom is also shit, but there are quite a lot of stellar albums. While were at it there is probably more shit trad than cooked dinners, but I still enjoy most of it.
Most thrash is goofy gay shit,

Maybe you just listen to shit thrash? How the fuck are Slayer, Megadeth, Metallica, Testament, Sepultura, Dark Angel, Sodom, Coroner, Destruction etc even remotely close to being goofy? Also, the top albums from those bands completely shit on just about anything and everything doom.

thrash is one of the greatest sub genres of metal. Anyone that thinks otherwise just needs to turn in their metal card and be on their way.
Maybe you just listen to shit thrash? How the fuck are Slayer, Megadeth, Metallica, Testament, Sepultura, Dark Angel, Sodom, Coroner, Destruction etc even remotely close to being goofy? Also, the top albums from those bands completely shit on just about anything and everything doom.

thrash is one of the greatest sub genres of metal. Anyone that thinks otherwise just needs to turn in their metal card and be on their way.

im hardly a massive doom fan so dunno why you're bringing that up

load and reload are pretty goofy, most megadeth is goofy, a lot of sepultura is goofy (amerindian new age metal?), Time does not heal is goofy, some later coroner is a bit... shit, or goofy, destruction have always been one of those bands that are supposedly amazing but just sound like shit to me, bit like German thrash in general really.
When i bring up Metallica and Sepultura, im usually talking about their relevant albums ... none of which are goofy. Still, we must have different definitions of the word. I dont find anything on the first 6-7 Megadeth albums to be goofy really, outside of the cover tracks. Gama Bomb are goofy, so is a lot of Exodus' shit, same can be said for Anthrax. DRI, Municipal Waste, and a lot of other crossover thrash are also goofy as fuck.
i think david was saying slayer's streak from '83-'86 was better than any other band's at any point in time, not specifically from those years. i agree with the kiwi.
I dont find anything on the first 6-7 Megadeth albums to be goofy really, outside of the cover tracks.

Loved to Deth
Chosen Ones
Wake Up Dead
The Conjuring
Take No Prisoners
Dawn Patrol/Rust in Peace
Skin o My Teeth
Sweating Bullets
Captive Honor
So you basically listen to goofy garbage like Kings X, Nevermore, Helloween etc on a regular basis and those songs come off as goofy to you???? :lol: Get the fuck outta here with that shit man. I'm not even going to bother asking you how or why those songs are even close to being any more goofy than the rest of the shit i had posted ... i'm afraid that all im going to get is another idiotic trollish response.

edit: Man, looking at that list is just blowing my mind. Not sure if you're being serious.

i think david was saying slayer's streak from '83-'86 was better than any other band's at any point in time, not specifically from those years. i agree with the kiwi.

Yes, but was he not trying to imply that Manilla Roads *83-86 run* is just as good as Slayers? If so then L O fucking L!