Controversial opinions on metal

What's wrong about America's Volume Dealer? I haven't really listened to it, so I'd like to know your opinions on it.
Absolutely nothing. I believe it was Ozzman who said somewhere else in the thread that some people thought it was them trying to ape Metallica and make an album like Load which is just asinine. Its probably the least "metal" of their albums although its still plenty heavy in spots (Diablo Blvd. for instance). Essentially its a heavy southern rock album with tons of groove (Who's Got the Fire really swings) and even a splash of country in spots with a song like Stare Too Long which is gorgeous and features Warren Haynes on steel guitar.
Absolutely nothing. I believe it was Ozzman who said somewhere else in the thread that some people thought it was them trying to ape Metallica and make an album like Load which is just asinine. Its probably the least "metal" of their albums although its still plenty heavy in spots (Diablo Blvd. for instance). Essentially its a heavy southern rock album with tons of groove and even a splash of country in spots.

Well, I believe that I was saying that it was their version of 'Load' because I saw someone say that in a review and thought it was an easy way to explain how it was stylistically.

That being said, I prefer this album to Load in every aspect. This is coming from someone who loves Load.

Stare Too Long is one of the best songs CoC did.
Well, I believe that I was saying that it was their version of 'Load' because I saw someone say that in a review and thought it was an easy way to explain how it was stylistically.

That being said, I prefer this album to Load in every aspect. This is coming from someone who loves Load.

Stare Too Long is one of the best songs CoC did.
Ah, understood. I think I read the same review you did. It was on M-A wasn't it, where it said that CoC "went Metallica"?
Maybe you just listen to shit thrash? How the fuck are Slayer, Megadeth, Metallica, Testament, Sepultura, Dark Angel, Sodom, Coroner, Destruction etc even remotely close to being goofy? Also, the top albums from those bands completely shit on just about anything and everything doom.

thrash is one of the greatest sub genres of metal. Anyone that thinks otherwise just needs to turn in their metal card and be on their way.

I'll give you Sodom and Dark Angel, but you forgot Kreator... which is probably the finest thrash band ever.

Metallica and Slayer are probably the two most overrated metal bands ever. Singing the praises of these bands isn't very 'controversial' is it?

I'd even take Overkill, despite the nearly unbearable vocals, over (any, early or otherwise) Metallica and Slayer.
Not really sure why it gets panned because it's really good southern rock.
Plus I really don't it was that dramatic a shift musically considering the previous albums with Pepper on vocals. Both Deliverance and Wiseblood contained numerous instances of southern rock even if it wasn't as explicit as it is on Americas Volume Dealer. But still the sound on the album makes total sense.
Seriously though, the first time I heard Pearls Before Swine I thought "Damn, so it wasn't just Sabbath that influenced The Outlaw Torn". Actually I think I'll listen to Deliverance right now.
Everything Blaze Bayley has touched has been shit and massively boring.

Slough Feg are tiresome after a brief period of interest.

The first four Metallica albums aren't actually that good, they're just somehow more accessible to none metal heads than a lot of the better stuff is.

Slayer only have a couple of amazing albums and then a load of pretty average stuff.

Very, very little retro metal is worthwhile, most of it apes the fetishes of the classics but without the song writing ability, the spirit or the honesty.