Controversial opinions on metal

I see how maybe MOP and AJFA could appear to those not really into metal, but RTL or KEA? Nah. And the first two are essential, that is a shit opinion
Ride the Lightning is the exception actually, now I think about it. Never been that into KEA. It's good NWOBHM riffs (and vocals, truth be told) on a raw recording.
Slough Feg are tiresome after a brief period of interest.

Divine Intervention is far from being a bad album. Fictional Reality is the only garbage track on the album, the rest are okay with a few solid tracks ... like Circle of Beliefs, Dittohead, Sex. Murder. Art., and even Mind Control.

Diabolus and GHUA are the only two Slayer album that are not worth listening to at all.
Everything Blaze Bayley has touched has been shit and massively boring.

pretty much

Slough Feg are tiresome after a brief period of interest.

i sort of agree actually, there is a slight novelty vibe to them compared with their influences. they're consistently one of the most fun and classy modern heavy metal bands though and i'm glad they exist.

The first four Metallica albums aren't actually that good, they're just somehow more accessible to none metal heads than a lot of the better stuff is.

nah, they're all great and better than 95% of other heralded thrash. i think it's a shame their global superstar status obstructs their ingenuity from being recognised in the underground.

Slayer only have a couple of amazing albums and then a load of pretty average stuff.

'couple' implies two in which case fuck no. if however you mean three you are forgiven.

Very, very little retro metal is worthwhile, most of it apes the fetishes of the classics but without the song writing ability, the spirit or the honesty.

mostly true
My second favorite band of all time is Megadeth.
The best thrash metal album ever released was Peace Sells...But Who's Buying.
Anthrax is better than Slayer.
everything people love about their favourite thrash and death metal bands was, with very few exceptions, already perfected by slayer. people who call themselves fans of those genres but shit on slayer are presumably very confused.
i'm actually a lot more fond of anthrax than people might expect, although it's hard to say how much of it is nostalgia. never got into SPREADING THE DISEASE or the post-80s stuff, but i really dig AMONG THE LIVING to this day and 'deathrider' from the debut was one of the very first speed metal songs i ever got into.
Exodus is great too.

So far So Good So What is better then Master of Puppets.
Dave Mustaine is a better singer than James Hetfield.
I don't like Cannibal Corpse.
Rob Dukes is a nicer person compared to Steve Souza.