Controversial opinions on metal

Exodus is great too.

So far So Good So What is better then Master of Puppets.
Dave Mustaine is a better singer than James Hetfield.
I don't like Cannibal Corpse.
Rob Dukes is a nicer person compared to Steve Souza.

Agreed on the first three opinions, know nothing about Rob vs Steve other than their vocals, and starting with the 21st century, I think both vocalists suck. The new Exodus record sucks ass, especially vocally. I wouldn't really say Dave is a better singer though, I just think they sound better in the thrash setting.
everything people love about their favourite thrash and death metal bands was, with very few exceptions, already perfected by slayer. people who call themselves fans of those genres but shit on slayer are presumably very confused.

I think you're the one who is very confused. :zombie:

Or more likely, this has got to be a troll attempt...
There's enough variety to thrash that you can find plenty of bands that did thrash in their own way better. Even in the straight-forward stuff, I wouldn't say that Slayer is an unapproachable ideal; they're a super-influential band with their own sound that is difficult for other bands to replicate.

Oh, and Spreading the Disease is so much better than Among the Living, albeit more for the non-thrash songs (Medusa and The Enemy could almost be Queensryche or very early Fates Warning tunes).
It's ok. Zetro still sounds great, but the songs are pretty uninspired and samey. I think Exhibit B might have had better songs.
Time Is Up > State Of Insurgency

Heard both couple of times in past two months. TIU is more diverse, better produced, I like the melodic parts and also vocals more. That being said, both are great records, but I like TIU more, at least now.
Nothing from havok is even in the same ballpark as State of Insurgency, let alone the same league. Plenty of mediocre tracks on TiU. And diversity shouldn't even be brought up when talking about one of Havoks albums. Hexen are a far better band, in every possible way. SoI and Being and Nothingness not only completely shit on everything havok have ever done, but they stand head and shoulder above just about every thrash album that has been released in the past 20 or so years. Vektor is the only band that i would put in the same breath as them when referring to elite modern thrash. Dekapitator, Warbringer, Fueled by Fire(*first album sucks), etc ... i can name plenty of thrash bands that have better albums than TiU.

Outer Isolation and Worlds Torn Asunder both came out the same year as TiU, and both completely annihilate that album.
I agree with him(and PoH). Just as good, if not better. I think they fit the music perfectly and both are two of the best thrash vocalists of all time.

Chuck Billy is also up there, his vocal range is pretty fucking wide. David White and Ellsworth are good too, although they can be pretty fucking cringe-worthy at times. Technically, all of these guys can probably "sing" better than James and Dave, but none of them fit the music better.

Rob Dukes is garbage.
Chuck Billy has almost no range, he pretty much has been singing the same few vocal melodies since the 80s. I still like his voice a lot, but he's far from a great singer.
Just because he decided to switch to death metal-y vox midway through his career doesn't mean he has great range. Neither does the occasional upper-range scream, unless Araya is now considered to have great range as well.
The only good thing about Testament is Skolnick's lead work. The rest is thrash-by-numbers and HBB is spot on about Chuck Billy.
Zetro is literally the worst fucking vocalist Exodus ever had. He would be better if he stopped sucking Bon Scott's cock for five minutes.
I dont know what the fuck you two tossers are talking about, but Chuck Billy is widely considered one of the best thrash metal vocalists. And there aren't many TM vocalists that have the range that he does. To say that he only uses tame same two melodies since the 80's just shows that you shouldn't even be commenting on his vocals. I swear, this place surprised the fucking shit out of my sometimes. I can link countless numbers of articles and threads praising his vocal abilities, but i'll leave that to you guys. Only here you would hear someone say Billy doesn't have range or that he's not a good thrash vocalist. Lol fucking plebs.

... spot on deez nuts.
Like I said, I actually like his voice, he has his own sound and a lot of swagger that fits perfectly for the music but that doesn't mean he has great range. Billy has his place, so do Lemmy and Araya and Snake and any number of other guys, doesn't mean we have to play up a technical vocal skill that doesn't exist.

Most of the highs in that thread are single screams, not really his actual singing voice. The lows are stretching things too; spoken stuff like that example in Hatred's Rise shouldn't count (and it's funny that song be mentioned because the vocal melody is pretty much taken straight out of how he did Scorpions' The Sail of Charon). Most of the songs mentioned don't point out specific moments though so I can't say for a lot of those. Also, it's worth considering that you can't really compare highs from his early years and lows from later years; if his overall range went lower in pitch, it cancels out.

EDIT: And thrash generally isn't about singing range either. I don't know who I'd pick as examples of good range tbh. Russ Anderson had really improved from Forbidden Evil to their pre-Distortion demos, but he lost that pretty quickly. Maybe the second Toxik guy, he can definitely get way up there but unlike Sanders it's not all just shrieking and he can sing in non-dog whistle registers too. Oh, Erik AK has to be up there, probably Realm's Mark Antoni too for that matter. Chuck Billy doesn't really come anywhere near any of those, and obviously that's not his thing anyways.