Controversial opinions on metal

Never Say Die and Technical Ecstasy are both fucking awful by Sabbath standards. 2 of their bottom 3 really.

Not liking Morbid Angel and Nocturnus makes you guys falses, btw.

No. Sabbath albums worse than TE and NSD:

Seventh Star
Eternal Idol (couple absolutely great songs, but a couple great songs do not save an album)
Headless Cross (see Eternal Idol)
Tyr (see Eternal Idol)
Forbidden (see Eternal Idol)
13 (fucking bland)
Those albums minus forbidden are all better than TE and NSD. They're just on some imaginary pedestal that exists because it was the original line up.
No. The albums I listed lack chemistry and sound like a bored band trying desperately to be relevant.
I also read your post in the top 20 death metal albums thread about you not liking Immolation either. While Morbid Angel may not be as technically proficient as Immolation, both are kind of the in the same vein atmospherically and thematically. The appeal of this style is an unrelenting pummeling of aggression that is soaked in ritualistic imagery. It isnt particularly "feel good" music, so I can understand the aversion to this style of music. Immolation can even be nauseating at times, but in an entrancing sort of way that grows on you.

I don't really get the pummeling feeling from either band, to be honest. It's just fairly vanilla extreme metal in my opinion. Here in After is a little more redeeming after a few listens.

You say that MA lacks power, but imo one of the strongest attributes of Altars is its energy. It's a very powerful record with a psychotic aggression that you dont see very often in more orderly death metal. Yes, it's a compositional mess, but I think it works in the album's favor. I feel like the discography as a whole starts to get more progressively boring and samey though, so I can see where you are coming from. Altars on the other hand is a top 10 dm album imo.

Strange, I feel like it's a fairly weak death metal record, from the vocals to the production to the guitar work. That's not to say it's pop or anything, but in the spectrum of death metal, there are far more overpowering records.
Black Sabbath are a songs band for me, never really enjoyed a full album, except maybe Sabbath Bloody Sabbath, but I remember there being some awkwardness on that.
It's just fairly vanilla extreme metal in my opinion.

Vigna's riffs are vanilla to you? :lol: Please tell me you're kidding. That's like the one word you cant use to describe the mans riffwork. Since you're a fan of some of the more dissonant stuff like DSO and Ulcerate(i think?), i would have thought they would have been one of your favorite DM bands. Their guitar work was groundbreaking and highly influential.

edit: Mob Rules is definitely not top 3, it's not even their best with Dio. Still a great Sabbath album though.
Maybe vanilla isn't the right adjective. Nondescript? Unengaging? It's just all quite colorless and flavorless. It leaves next to no impression and I've listened to the damn thing at least a dozen times.

As for DSO, I'd parallel it more to tech death like Cryptopsy and Gorguts, where there's a whirlwind of sounds and events embedded within constantly contorting compositions.
I'm not familiar with most of Cryptopsy's stuff, but I think the better songs on Altars are more "whirlwind"-y than most of None So Vile, which technical and crazy as it is is also quite hooky and digestible.