Controversial opinions on metal

You people say you are true metal. Yet say songs like Supertzar, Megalomania, After Forever are "weak" or "horrendous".

I am ashamed.
autism runs rampant on this forum

Said the twelve year old pot to the kettle.

When the lyrics are up front and annoying, of course it's going to draw flies. I can honestly think of one other song as cringeworthy and that's Samarithan by Candlemass. Any day Trouble and Place of Skulls outdo them in every way with Christian doom lyrics.

But then again, you guys think shit like Johnny Blade and Never Say Die are apparently good. NSD and TE were the dying gasps of a band that needed desperately to rid themselves of a cancer. Dio brought the band back from the brink of destruction and revitalized Iommi. Without him, Sabbath would have just said die.
Said the twelve year old pot to the kettle.

When the lyrics are up front and annoying, of course it's going to draw flies. I can honestly think of one other song as cringeworthy and that's Samarithan by Candlemass. Any day Trouble and Place of Skulls outdo them in every way with Christian doom lyrics.

But then again, you guys think shit like Johnny Blade and Never Say Die are apparently good. NSD and TE were the dying gasps of a band that needed desperately to rid themselves of a cancer. Dio brought the band back from the brink of destruction and revitalized Iommi. Without him, Sabbath would have just said die.

i never said the lyrics were well written its just that cheesy ass symphonic metal tends to grab at me, thats why i still enjoy listening to within temptation and epica. its catchy as fuck
I didn't imply that they did? Don't be dumb.

But then again, you guys think shit like Johnny Blade and Never Say Die are apparently good. NSD and TE were the dying gasps of a band that needed desperately to rid themselves of a cancer. Dio brought the band back from the brink of destruction and revitalized Iommi. Without him, Sabbath would have just said die.

Bad opinion tbh. :/
After forever only gets shit on because the lyrics. Musically its awesome

It's kinda too upbeat and obnoxious even musically. I don't care about the lyrics. Not a *bad* song, but decent at best.

Also, I know I've said it before, but Hole in the Sky is one of Sabbath's very worst songs of the 70s and is pretty much responsible for every derivative stoner/"desert" rock shitfest of the 90s.
I kinda agree with HamburgerBoy on Black Sabbath and the filler department. Most of their albums are just boring as fuck, sorry.