Controversial opinions on metal

I used to enjoy A Matter of Life and Death, but now I find the songs to be unnecessarily long and I can hardly listen to them besides Brighter Than a Thousand Suns, and maybe These Colours Don't Run.
I used to enjoy A Matter of Life and Death, but now I find the songs to be unnecessarily long and I can hardly listen to them besides Brighter Than a Thousand Suns, and maybe These Colours Don't Run.
I've never really found AMOLAD to be all that repetitive aside from maybe "For the Greater Good of God". I was wild about that album when it first came out and I still find it to be some of their strongest material. I also love that they didn't master the album. Normally Maiden isn't really the band that comes to mind when you think of "raw" (and no, not "raw" in the 90's black metal sense) or "live" sounding albums, and on any other of their albums that type of production would be distracting but for that particular set of songs it worked.
It's definitely overlong, not just some of the choruses but also how almost every song has the same minute-long-intro/repeat-30-seconds-as-an-outro structure. Lord of Light and The Legacy are the only really good songs on it.
Self titled and then Somewhere in Time are my two favorite Maiden albums. I would put Killers in there, but the second half of the album is kind of mediocre compared to the rest. Killers at times is better than the self titled, but as a whole it loses points imo for dropping off in quality after Genghis Khan. Piece of Mind would rank, but the album is full of bad nostalgia so I cant really listen to it objectively anymore.

The rest of the discography is hit or miss for me. Number of the Beast and Powerslave are solid, but overall are a bit too poppy and radio-friendly sounding for my taste.
Do you exclusively listen to The Berzerker or something? That seems like the opinion of someone far removed from Heavy Metal in it's essence.

I dont care about 'Heavy Metal in its essence'; I like what I like. Figures you would break out the trve card on me for not loving what is accepted to be Iron Maiden's peak. I never even said I didnt like those albums, but I cant truthfully say I still hold them as go-to albums these days. I will admit that the reason is probably more because of Bruce's vocals than anything else, but even the riffs are somewhat overly catchy and come across to me as more gimmicky than what I like in my heavy metal. This is the controversial opinions in metal thread. Deal with it.
I dont care about 'Heavy Metal in its essence'; I like what I like. Figures you would break out the trve card on me for not loving what is accepted to be Iron Maiden's peak. I never even said I didnt like those albums, but I cant truthfully say I still hold them as go-to albums these days. I will admit that the reason is probably more because of Bruce's vocals than anything else, but even the riffs are somewhat overly catchy and come across to me as more gimmicky than what I like in my heavy metal. This is the controversial opinions in metal thread. Deal with it.

Jesus, no need to piss in your pants, it's pretty ironic that me questioning your opinion about Iron Maiden being poppy is somehow not allowed in a topic about controversial opinions.
How about you consider what I said to be controversial? That way in the future you can react like you aren't a whiny cunt.
Jesus, no need to piss in your pants, it's pretty ironic that me questioning your opinion about Iron Maiden being poppy is somehow not allowed in a topic about controversial opinions.
How about you consider what I said to be controversial? That way in the future you can react like you aren't a whiny cunt.

lol, and here you were trying to tell me that my sentiments go against the idea of the "essence" of heavy metal (whatever the fuck that is). If you find questioning my opinion the same as accusing me of liking a band you hate, then surely we are done here.
lol, and here you were trying to tell me that my sentiments go against the idea of the "essence" of heavy metal (whatever the fuck that is). If you find questioning my opinion the same as accusing me of liking a band you hate, then surely we are done here.

By that I simply meant, Heavy Metal before it splintered into extreme styles, any accusations of trveness that you think I'm making are probably just your own guilty conscious, I don't bother with insults like that.
not sure if this is controversial, but im just trying to get the two bitches with sand in their vaginas to stop bickering:

Unorthodox is easily the best thing Edge of Sanity ever did. And in the top 3 Swano-involved releases

Edit: Never got the big deal about Dan Swanö myself, Pan.Thy.Monium was interesting and Edge of Sanity are obviously a classic 90's band.

This rules though.

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I like Unorthodox-Crimson, but Unorthodox takes the cake. Definitely better than the Sunlight bands.

Im not a big Swano fanboy, but he's has a fair share of quality releases...and lots of shit.

this is all you need from Swano:

Nightingale - The Closing Chronicles
Edge of Sanity - Unorthodox
Pan Thy Monium - Dawn of Dreams
Odyssey - Odyssey
Dan Swano - Moontower

I like PA and Crimson but dont really think theyre essential. I also like the Bloodbath EP and almost all nightingale, though they are more guilty pleasures
There's a lot of people that get fanboy with Swano, but I don't obsess over bands or artists at all. Edge of Sanity is one of my favorite bands. I don't sit around and listen to the band all day. I have to rotate music and cds to keep myself occupied and interested.