Controversial opinions on metal

Its a great album other than the drum sound. Im somewhat picky when it comes to production values, but apparently not nearly as picky as you. Production only makes or breaks an album for me when the music is questionable (or when the production is the reason why I like the album), and in this case Screams of Anguish more than makes up for it in leads/riffs.
So you like them AND find them to be ridiculously boring? :guh:

You either like it or you dont. They arent even close to the worst OSDM band.
Controversial opinion - Whoever remastered Iced Earth's Burnt Offerings should be crucified upside-down.

Correct album:

Incorrect album:
Wow, I didnt even realize they re-released that album, and god damn it sounds horrendous. Id say that's probably the only album they ever released to already have decent production, but then they turn around and do that to it. I have a hard time believing this is controversial. Sounds worse than Horror Show, which was one of their albums I thought was ruined by poor production. Not to mention the sterile sound of the later outings from the band.
The title track is fortunate in that it's the longest but probably still the best on the album, and the groovier riffs like the first and the one 3 minutes in are nice and just what I love about Leprosy. I can't stand how he began his formula of trying to write more melodic riffs though. Like 1:18 in the song, it's like so many of his riffs starting in the 90s are just glorified thrash riffs with no syncopation, just these predictable note progressions forced in. And of course he has to repeat the riff exactly four times, then go into an equally generic Slayer-on-an-uninspired-day tremolo-picked one, repeat that exactly four times, etc. Death is a band where the more I listen to them, the more all of their material sounds worse because of how similar it all starts to sound. The first two were concise enough and avoided the forced melody for the most part, and I still have a soft spot for Symbolic which I think had some more original hooks, but otherwise bleh. At least Human has really good drumming.
Leprosy is almost flawless though. It's amazing how Leprosy and Spiritual Healing have so much in common, yet one is completely fresh and inspired, and the other one just a shadow.
Not a single weak album in their discography. I always have a hard time picking a favorite when it comes to them, but if i had to i'd go with Symbolic and Leprosy . With Scream Bloody Gore and Spiritual Healing at the 3 and 4 spot.

Basically as of right now ... Leprosy = Symbolic > Scream Bloody Gore > Spiritual Healing > The Sound of Perseverance = Individual Thought Patterns > Human.
I've said what I think of The Sound of Perseverance enough times here, and was pretty vocal and obnoxious about it. I stand by what I said entirely though.