Controversial opinions on metal

The title track is fortunate in that it's the longest but probably still the best on the album, and the groovier riffs like the first and the one 3 minutes in are nice and just what I love about Leprosy. I can't stand how he began his formula of trying to write more melodic riffs though. Like 1:18 in the song, it's like so many of his riffs starting in the 90s are just glorified thrash riffs with no syncopation, just these predictable note progressions forced in. And of course he has to repeat the riff exactly four times, then go into an equally generic Slayer-on-an-uninspired-day tremolo-picked one, repeat that exactly four times, etc. Death is a band where the more I listen to them, the more all of their material sounds worse because of how similar it all starts to sound. The first two were concise enough and avoided the forced melody for the most part, and I still have a soft spot for Symbolic which I think had some more original hooks, but otherwise bleh. At least Human has really good drumming.

Bah. I hear many great riffs in both songs. I picked those two because I couldn't find a riff I don't like in either of them. The simplicity of it all is one thing I really like about the album.
Leprosy, Human and Spiritual Healing are the only albums I like. Spiritual Healing has always been my fave though.
I think that The Sound of Perseverance is a terrible album. It's very technical, but the complexity mainly seems to exist for its own sake. The vocals are also an intentionally prominent part of the songs and they're really annoying because they have a quality similar to Dani Filth. The "Painkiller" cover is cringe-worthy.
You don't like Scream Bloody Gore? Damn, that's fucked up.

I can see why someone wouldn't like it. Could be too raw and the production is kinda shit even for OSDM.

At least Human has really good drumming.

Needs moar bass. That's my only gripe with Human (and most stuff really)

I think that The Sound of Perseverance is a terrible album. It's very technical, but the complexity mainly seems to exist for its own sake. The vocals are also an intentionally prominent part of the songs and they're really annoying because they have a quality similar to Dani Filth. The "Painkiller" cover is cringe-worthy.

There are some out there who find that cover version better than the original. I am not one of those people.

Here's how I rank the albums right now, which means it's subject to change for people who are going to bitch about it:

1) Symbolic
1) Spiritual Healing
4) ITP
5) Human
6) SBG
7) Leprosy

I really need to revisit the band again. Been a while since I've listened to them. There was a time I thought Human was the worst album so not all hope is lost. All of them are varying degrees of good though.
Not a single weak album in their discography. I always have a hard time picking a favorite when it comes to them, but if i had to i'd go with Symbolic and Leprosy . With Scream Bloody Gore and Spiritual Healing at the 3 and 4 spot.

Basically as of right now ... Leprosy = Symbolic > Scream Bloody Gore > Spiritual Healing > The Sound of Perseverance = Individual Thought Patterns > Human.

Like tb said, not a single weak album. There's still an hierarchy though, which in my mind goes like this:

Symbolic > TSoP > Human > SBG=Leprosy > ITP > Spiritual Healing

That said, I'd still enjoy listening to SH right now.

Sound of Perseverance is vastly underrated. It's basically a gateway drug to jazz death metal. Insanely creative stuff at times on that album.
I think that The Sound of Perseverance is a terrible album. It's very technical, but the complexity mainly seems to exist for its own sake. The vocals are also an intentionally prominent part of the songs and they're really annoying because they have a quality similar to Dani Filth. The "Painkiller" cover is cringe-worthy.

Painkiller cover aside, it is a brilliant album musically. Like any good progressive music it takes a few spins to 'get' and most people give up before they reach that point, claiming it's no good. At first I didn't like it either but it grew into one of my favorite albums of all time. Top 50 easily.
I've heard the album enough times to form a solid opinion on it. It's not an album that I will ever like, and I enjoy other technically complex music.
Pestilence -spheres is one of my favorite albums. Awesome shit.

Testimony is probably one of my top 10 favorite albums of all time. While at times Spheres does catch fire, I have to say that I was quite disappointed. As much as I want to, I cannot bring myself to state that Spheres was a great album.
