Controversial opinions on metal

Well, no. Slaughter of the Soul is extremely fucking gay, but The Red in the Sky is Ours is a top 10 death metal album and With Fear I Kiss the Burning Darkness is just wonderful as well. TechnicalBarbarity is just a troll who likes to be different than everyone else on this forum but fails to realize that he's wrong.
Well, no. Slaughter of the Soul is extremely fucking gay, but The Red in the Sky is Ours is a top 10 death metal album and With Fear I Kiss the Burning Darkness is just wonderful as well. TechnicalBarbarity is just a troll who likes to be different than everyone else on this forum but fails to realize that he's wrong.

It's actually because he's such a hard dude and we're all too soft to interact with him.
Well, no. Slaughter of the Soul is extremely fucking gay, but The Red in the Sky is Ours is a top 10 death metal album and With Fear I Kiss the Burning Darkness is just wonderful as well. TechnicalBarbarity is just a troll who likes to be different than everyone else on this forum but fails to realize that he's wrong.

How was i wrong? Please, i'd love for you to point it out. And which part of my post is being "different from everyone else"? By acknowledging that Atheist are far and away the more superior band? You really think i'm in the minority there? ROFL! What planet do you live on? Also, everyone knows you're the biggest troll here .... but omni isn't far behind, you should recruit her.

"wrong" "different" .....



I'm also pretty sure if we did a poll here for which of the two is the better band, Atheist would annihilate AtG. And as expected, that would pretty much be the case on just about every other metal forum/circle around outside of some shitty AtG fanboi forums or someshit.
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I have no idea what you are trying to tell me there.

And TRiTSiO is a ground-breaking, one-of-a-kind death metal record while Atheist, at their best, are a great techy death metal band that fans just getting into the genre seem to jerk-off too. But then again, you think Death is amazing so I don't even know the point in arguing here.

Also, if we are using MA ratings as some sort of indicator on what constitutes a good album then Judas Priest's first album must not be good with it's mere 74% while Dream Theater's "Black Clouds & Silver Linings" must be amazing with its 89%.

Fucking ridiculous.
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Also, i like what i like .... dont ever mistake me for one of you posers here who bases opinions off of what others think. Unlike you guys, my ears are what decide if i enjoy something ... not some phony underground kvlt trends that a few of you guys here love chasing after.

AtG are a one of a kind, groundbreaking band(lmao) .... but Atheist, one of the first true technical death metal bands aren't? AAAaahahhhhahhahhahah. Who was doing what they did before them? Not only where they one of the pioneers of technical death metal, they pushed the envelope even further with Elements ... an album which lines up much ebtter with your description of the first AtG album.

oh and outside of Run of the Mill, the first priest album is garbage.

I have no idea what you are trying to tell me there.

What im trying to tell you is that if anyone here is wrong, it is clearly you. Or maybe you're just trolling as usual.
Atheist are a better band, they have a better discog, which part of that is me trying to be different or wrong?
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"The band that I like is more universally liked than the band that you like."

...followed by

"I don't base my opinions off of what other people think, unlike you. You only like bands that nobody has ever heard of."
I know the English language is not your strong-point, but did you really have trouble connecting the dots there sweety? He said i was trying to be "different" by saying i like Atheist more, i was just showing evidence that most of the "metaldom" also like Atheist more .... which voids his whole "being different" opinion. How does that translate to me basing my opinions off of others(which is a trademark for more than a few posters here)? You cant be that soft in the head, can you?

Oh and where the fuck did the "you like bands that nobody else has heard of" come from? Are we not talking about Atheist and AtG?
Probably when you said this:

Unlike you guys, my ears are what decide if i enjoy something ... not some phony underground kvlt trends that a few of you guys here love chasing after.

Come up with a better argument than me not understanding English, because you've never managed to actually use this in a situation where it would be valid.
You can't really be that dense, can you? Maybe you should go back and read my last post again. Take your time, and read it out loud ... it might help.

So what you got from my posts was me saying that i love Atheist because everyone else does? Oh and trends="bands i never heard of" ??? :lol: what a sad case. Lol, thanks for proving my point again, i just love it when you embarrass yourself. That post ( perfectly displays your inability to comprehend the English language, as you have displayed numerously.
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Which AtG albums do you like?

The Red in Sky
is good(far from great) and i might be in the minority here, but i think Slaughter of the Soul is listenable. Not much else in their catalogue that's even worth talking about. Havent heard(;)) their new one yet so i cant comment there.