Controversial opinions on metal

I think Nile are overrated and lame. "Papyrus Containing The Spell To Preserve Its Possessor Against Attacks From He Who Is In The Water" :lol: fucking hilarious.
Don't dig on Behemoth especially, but checked them out live out of curiosity when they were here.. & I was actually pretty impressed.

As for Nile, I have Amongst The Catacombs... & it's actually pretty cool. Great music to read fantasy novels to. Not that I read much.
I have to be honest, I like least their first two albums and some stuff from their third. I saw them live the other night and they fucking tore it up. Their newer stuff bores me. Also, old Behemoth (pre-death metal) is actually pretty fucking good. That one album that starts with an 'S' that I can't pronounce is pretty good quality bm.
Behemoth is an awesome DM band, but as for Nile, they are pretty crap, especially their lyrics about Egyptian mythology, i don't care about them.
I have to be honest, I like least their first two albums and some stuff from their third. I saw them live the other night and they fucking tore it up. Their newer stuff bores me. Also, old Behemoth (pre-death metal) is actually pretty fucking good. That one album that starts with an 'S' that I can't pronounce is pretty good quality bm.

Sventevith? Haven't heard that album, gonna have to check it out.

But I have the And the Forests Dream Eternally reissue EP, the one with the two different versions of that song on it. The whole EP is fucking gorgeous.

I must admit, I do love Behemoth's DM phase more though... Demigod is an awesome album.
I think the newest Behemoth sounds very watered down compared to their other dm releases. I don't really like it much. I like Zos Kia Cultus and Thelma666 the best out of their dm stuff. As for Nile, I actually like them a lot. I don't mind that they are generic, as I find that they are excellent musicians and have very well written songs. I think they got better with each album up through AotW, with Ithyphallic being not quite as good as AotW. I like their style a lot (blasty and overall fast, but not slammy bdm). What I don't understand is how some people like other bands that play their style of death metal (Hour of Penance, Extreme Violence, Inveracity, etc.) but don't like Nile.
I don't really like Nile, but to be fair I haven't given their earlier stuff a chance. As for Behemoth, they are still one of my favorite bands, front to back in their discography (though their BM stuff is superior).
Its so funny. We have a venue here by my school where ALL the scene bands play including some big ones like Oceano. I fucking hate it. Anyways, they all wear Behemoth shirts. A little story for all of you.

I think Behemoth plays good and solid death metal but it is nothing compared to other death metal bands that are still playing now. I would pick Inveracity over them any time.
This is towards music as a whole, rather than just metal, but I'd never go and see any band live, no matter how much I might like them. I'd much rather just listen to the music in the solitude of my own home.
Nile and Behemoth are both bands that are just okay but are very popular. I think it's because they are both the heaviest of the easy to stomach dm bands

id say ozzfest did it.

both good bands but theres much better out there.
I've enjoyed some stuff from both Behemoth and Nile, but over the years my interest in both has faded. Behemoth's The Apostasy I thought was pretty mediocre.

I think a lot of people need to realize that a popular metal band isn't all that much different from an underground metal band. I wouldn't say Behemoth's sound is any more accessible than a lot of blackened death groups from Poland (or death in general) but they do a lot more promotion, definitely a lot more touring and have achived quite a bit of success among reviews etc. Let's not forget they've been around for a long time, though I've really only seen them reach a high level of popularity within the past few years.