Controversial opinions on metal

In Flames are still making good music IMO
Behemoth are insanely overrated
New nile is one of the most boring albums I have sat through in recent memory.
John Bush > Joey Belladonna
Slipknot have one sick drummer
Metalcore has some good albums in the genre
Judas Priest suck
Heartwork > Necroticism
Swansong is awesome
Rust is the only Megadeth Worth anything.

I could go on.
I've only heard two albums (Whoracle and Colony). I took a listen to a couple of their new ones from their MySpace. Definitely not the abominations they're made out to be.

Those albums aren't new enough to be considered the worst of the band. Whoracle is rather well-liked, while a few songs on Colony are awesome.
Those albums aren't new enough to be considered the worst of the band. Whoracle is rather well-liked, while a few songs on Colony are awesome.
Yeah, Soundtrack To Your Escape is considered the "bastard child" by many, and really is their weakest. Still, In Flames isn't nearly as bad as some "Tr00 metal" fans would claim. They are not anything amazing, but really, no band has to be that to sound good.
Those albums aren't new enough to be considered the worst of the band. Whoracle is rather well-liked, while a few songs on Colony are awesome.
Oh, I know that, Whoracle and Colony are a couple of their older albums. Suppose I worded my post ambiguously, I apologize.

Just saying, that I checked out one or two of the newer songs on their Myspace. They weren't that bad.
Oh ok. Yeah I heard The Mirror's Truth a few times this weekend and a few times a couple weeks ago and enjoyed it wholly. It's not even close to as good as Soilwork's newest but it'll do :p
Someone on Metal Archives once said that listening to metal without listening to any thrash is like going to a whorehouse and not having sex. I mean, come on, thrash is pretty much the purest distillation of the metal institution of The Riff that has ever existed.
I'd agree to that...but then, you say something like that for every genre of metal...which is why I would say that everyone should listen to every genre, at least to a certain extent.
I don't think you should necessarily listen to everything equally, but you should definitely force yourself to listen to a little of everything just to maintain perspective. Also, I doubt it can be healthy to listen to nothing but brutal death metal about raping and dismembering hookers. Not that there's anything wrong about that, but you should also listen to some fruity shit about dragons and quests, just for balance.
I am a stunning example of having "all over the place" taste in metal tbqfh. People often drop by my page to say my taste is completely random (imo it's very focused though).
I listen to a bit of everything, but I'm just beginning to really dig into the various genres, so that's to be expected. However, I recently wrote out the massive list of stuff I need to buy and it's fairly balanced.

But yeah, you're an example to us all - one of the least bigoted and best informed posters, musically.
Oh ok. Yeah I heard The Mirror's Truth a few times this weekend and a few times a couple weeks ago and enjoyed it wholly. It's not even close to as good as Soilwork's newest but it'll do :p

I thought the that song was terrible.

Weighing in on the balance issue, I think Black Metal is such a stylistically-diverse genre that one can listen to mostly Black Metal (all forms of it) and not be accused of lacking perspective. I listen to Black Metal mostly, but I enjoy everything from norsecore to atmospheric/ambient, from symphonic to minimalist. However, I have been eating up the classics in death, doom and thrash, but it's not at all a priority for me to catch up with the current scene in those genres because it's hard enough to keep up with all the current developments in Black Metal alone.
Another controversial opinion of mine: I fucking HATE Led Zeppelin. I know I've said it ten times before, but it would be appropriate from this thread, since though not metal themselves by today's definition, most people here seem to agree that Led Zeppelin are a great legendary band.
Another controversial opinion of mine: I fucking HATE Led Zeppelin. I know I've said it ten times before, but it would be appropriate from this thread, since though not metal themselves by today's definition, most people here seem to agree that Led Zeppelin are a great legendary band.

I don't hate the band but I think they're extremely over-rated.

I actually was wondering what album I should get from them and give it a shot.