Controversial opinions on metal

Go back and re read my point, I was clearly talking about PCs since I mentioned hard drives and modems. You're the one that brought up your cell phone's lack of data which you assumed was the norm. To which I loled and proved you wrong that you're actually in the minority.
Your point, to break it down, was that there isn't a difference betweem streaming repeatedly, and downloading then listening repeatedly. Which, DUE to cell phones and mobile data being a thing, was incorrect and I explained why.
I gave my reasons for why I think downloading is bad. Mainly related to entitlement and how it creates issues for bands and record labels.

I also gave evidence that people who said it wasn't stealing were incorrect. I already made it clear that my opinions are irrelevant in the discussion of what is and is not legal.

If people could buy a cd they like then people would not download it. No one gives a shit about albums that people download anyways. So who cares. People don't buy cds anymore anyways.
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Despite your very inarticulate assertion, plenty of people do actually still buy CDs. The fact that limited press CDs sell out within a few hours is proof of that.
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Eh dumbass super limited trinket edition vinyl sells out quickly, CDs not so much usually.

It definitely depends on the band. People also eat up things like those two-disc deluxe editions of older albums that are coming out constantly nowadays with the demos and rare stuff on them. I own dozens of them myself and a lot of them are pretty expensive now just a few years later because they're not being reprinted.