Controversial opinions on metal

Wrong Manowar song bro, try this one instead:

I can hear where Bathory was influenced but again they don't sound like the same band Bathory having uglier less clean vocals and a much heavier sound. Manowar is mmore poppy and Bathory sounds dirtier. Hell by your standards Candlemass is just a Black Sabbath clone and Metallica were Motorhead clones.

Being influenced and deriving part of your sound from another artis isn't a bad thing you know.
Viking Bathory and stuff like "Enter the Eternal Fire" were definitely influenced by early Manowar. That doesn't mean that they sound exactly like Manowar, but it's very noticeable.

That's not a bad thing though. I don't hear people criticizing every doom metal band who sounds like Sabbath for being clones.
That's not a bad thing though. I don't hear people criticizing every doom metal band who sounds like Sabbath for being clones.

I'm not criticizing Bathory when I say that.

If I was going to be critical of Bathory, I would probably direct it at Quorthon's integrity since he was obviously straight up lying when he said that he wasn't influenced by Venom and Manowar.
I'm not criticizing Bathory when I say that.

If I was going to be critical of Bathory, I would probably direct it at Quorthon's integrity since he was obviously straight up lying when he said that he wasn't influenced by Venom and Manowar.

I'm not saying you were but Hamburger boy clearly was. As for Quorthorn's integrity I don't really care since I judge the music and the people who make it seperately.
I don't have much to say other than positive things about the music on Bathory albums. At least the early ones, anyway. Most of his later career is uneven.
I don't have much to say other than positive things about the music on Bathory albums. At least the early ones, anyway.

I like all first 6 a lot though some more than others. I like some of the later stuff quite a bit as well and there's nothing he did that I straight up disli k e. Octogon is mediocre as fuck but still tolerable unlike the worst material by a lot of popular thrash acts.
I don't hate those albums because they sound like Manowar, I hate them because 1) they do little in advancing what Manowar already accomplished, 2) the songs are mostly very overlong and repetitive, 3) they suck.
I don't hate those albums because they sound like Manowar, I hate them because 1) they do little in advancing what Manowar already accomplished, 2) the songs are mostly very overlong and repetitive, 3) they suck.

How do you feel about Metal Church and Kreator?
How do you feel about Metal Church and Kreator?

I'm definitely a fan of Metal Church. I think the first three albums are great, occasionally even reaching metal perfection, and Hanging in the Balance and Masterpeace have some strong moments too. I don't care for much of the stuff after, although I did like Generation Nothing (controversial since everyone else seems to consider it the weakest).

Kreator is pretty overrated by a lot of people for a lot of reasons, but Pleasure to Kill is a great and important album in extreme metal's development. I like Renewal and Cause for Conflict more than most other "experimental" releases from thrash bands in the mid 90s.
I'm definitely a fan of Metal Church. I think the first three albums are great, occasionally even reaching metal perfection, and Hanging in the Balance and Masterpeace have some strong moments too. I don't care for much of the stuff after, although I did like Generation Nothing (controversial since everyone else seems to consider it the weakest).

Kreator is pretty overrated by a lot of people for a lot of reasons, but Pleasure to Kill is a great and important album in extreme metal's development. I like Renewal and Cause for Conflict more than most other "experimental" releases from thrash bands in the mid 90s.

You don't care for IX?
Howe sounded great but I thought the songs were pretty dull. I saw them live with Armored Saint and the few songs they played from it were fine in that context, but I'd probably put it at the bottom of their discography.