Controversial opinions on metal

I wouldn't go that far, but it certainly kicks arse.

Again I just don't get the appeal of these Norwegian black metal bands like Darkthrone, Immortal, Mayhem, Burzum, and Emperor. I just find them dreadfully boring even if I like the sound. I mean I've really tried but they do nothing for me. I like one song by Burzum but that's it.
I really don't get this Bathory hate at all. I'm sorry but Under the sign of the black mark is pretty much black metal perfection and is easily more enjoyable than any Norwegian black metal album.

I don't get your hate for second wave Norwegian black metal. Under the Sign of the Black Mark is indeed amazing.

So are.
Burzum - Burzum, Hvis Lyset Tar Oss, Filosofem
Darkthrone - A Blaze in the Northern Sky, Under a Funeral Moon, Transilvanian Hunger
Immortal - Pure Holocaust
Enslaved - Vikingligr Veldi
Mayhem - De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas
Gorgoroth - Pentagram, Antichrist, Under the Sign of Hell
Emperor - Emperor, In the Nightside Eclipse

and that's just surface level shit. There's tonnes more.
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I don't get your hate for second wave Norwegian black metal. Under the Sign of the Black Mark is indeed amazing.

So are.
Burzum - Burzum, Hvis Lyset Tar Oss, Filosofem
Darkthrone - A Blaze in the Northern Sky, Under a Funeral Moon
Immortal - Pure Holocaust
Enslaved - Vikingligr Veldi
Gorgoroth - Pentagram, Antichrist, Under the Sign of Hell
Emperor - Emperor, In the Nightside Eclipse

and that's just surface level shit. There's tonnes more.

I don't hate it so much as find it boring. Again I like the sound but the songs do nothing for me. Having a good sound means nothing if your songwriting is poor.
Again I just don't get the appeal of these Norwegian black metal bands like Darkthrone, Immortal, Mayhem, Burzum, and Emperor. I just find them dreadfully boring even if I like the sound. I mean I've really tried but they do nothing for me. I like one song by Burzum but that's it.

Fuck me, it's the Slayer discussion all over again. All of those bands you listed are better than 99.9% of what you listen to, and I can say this with absolute confidence even though I don't know what you listen to.

Also as you didn't list Enslaved there I'm going to optimistically suggest you listen to them.
Again I just don't get the appeal of these Norwegian black metal bands like Darkthrone, Immortal, Mayhem, Burzum, and Emperor. I just find them dreadfully boring even if I like the sound. I mean I've really tried but they do nothing for me. I like one song by Burzum but that's it.

I can see an argument being made for Emperor but as for every other band on that list that Phylactery just made, no.

Also, Phylactery, I'd add Total Death to that list of awesome Darkthrone albums just for Earth's Last Picture and Blackwinged. Some of the best black metal tracks I've heard are on that album.
I somehow missed off De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas! Arguably the best one!

As far as Emperor, I consider their best stuff (the 2 releases I listed) a notch below the best from Norway, but still top tier black metal.
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The reason you should like them has nothing to do with their popularity, we're just pointing out to you that for whatever stupid reason you're shutting yourself off to some of the great extreme music ever released. Are you into any bm bands aside from Bathory, or does your interest stop there?
I guess from now on I should lie and say I like things I don't actually like to please others as if I was a sheep who can't think for myself and from my own opinions.
The reason you should like them has nothing to do with their popularity, we're just pointing out to you that for whatever stupid reason you're shutting yourself off to some of the great extreme music ever released. Are you into any bm bands aside from Bathory, or does your interest stop there?

Im shutting myself from it? It's as if you think I choose not to like these bands even though I want to and have given them plenty of chances. Besides Bathory I like Sabbat, Sarcofago, Blasphemy, early Tormentor, and a lot of those black thrash, and black death hybrids.
There's a line between resisting group pressure and forming your opinions in explicit contradiction to those of the group to give yourself a false sense of individual preference. You need to post one of your top 20 lists so I can figure out which category you fall into.
From that list I guess it looks like you just listen to more old school/first wave blackened stuff. What about later black metal bands like Drudkh, Paysage D'Hiver, Leviathan, Mutiilation, Nagelfar?