Controversial opinions on metal

My top 20 metal bands In no order.

Black Sabbath
Judas Priest
Deep Purple
Bow Wow/Vow wow
Seikima II
Fates Warning
Metal church
Doom (Jap)
Turbo (pol)
Sabbat (jp)
Paul Chain
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The first Kreator was obviously meant to say Destruction, since they're better anyway :p

By the way, regarding Emperor's classic era, my only critique I can give regarding In the Nightside Eclipse is that the atmospheric intro in Into The Infinity Of Thoughts goes on much longer than it needs to. Other than that, the rest of the record is epic.
Complicated Mind is one of my favorite Japanese metal albums, and the adjacent ones (Killing Field and Incompetent) are great too. I think it's interesting that for all the Voivod comparisons, they were doing it more or less independently of them.
Complicated Mind is one of my favorite Japanese metal albums, and the adjacent ones (Killing Field and Incompetent) are great too. I think it's interesting that for all the Voivod comparisons, they were doing it more or less independently of them.

Incompetent is my favorite by them probably but I like all the 80s stuff. I can hear Voivod similarities but I doubt they were influenced since Voivod didn't go into their prog era until around when Doom was already a thing.
Planet Butthurt because that's where you live apparently

Being able to tell that all Bathory music doesn't sound the same makes you butthurt?

Your thing basically seems to be making pleb statements and then accusing people who comment on them of being mad. I doubt that it's a gimmick, but it does sum up your posting activity.
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Have you heard Holocaust's The Sound of Souls EP? You'd probably like it if you haven't, has that post-punk thrash thing going on as well.
Your thing basically seems to be making pleb statements and then accusing people who comment on them of being mad. I doubt that it's a gimmick, but it does sum up your posting activity.

Well it's obviously not a gimmick because I've been saying this type of shit for 10 years. The fact that people can't put my join date and my posts together means you can't put 2 and 2 together easily.
I stated in my post that I don't think that you're a gimmick poster, so maybe you're the one having difficulty understanding what's happening here.
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So, back on the topic of controversial opinions, here's one I've had for a while now. The sentiment that bass should be completely inaudible or excluded from black metal is overrated.

I mean, in classic Darkthrone tracks like To Walk the Infernal Fields, it sounds quite good.