Controversial opinions on metal

It's a cliche that is often not borne out - tons of BM bands have interesting and clearly audible bass parts. In fact I'd say bass is more important in BM than it is in dm or thrash, where the bass line is usually identical to whatever the guitar is playing and therefore almost indistinguishable.

Yes, especially on the track I mentioned. It really sounds menacing with the sound they had on Under a Funeral Moon.
It's a cliche that is often not borne out - tons of BM bands have interesting and clearly audible bass parts. In fact I'd say bass is more important in BM than it is in dm or thrash, where the bass line is usually identical to whatever the guitar is playing and therefore almost indistinguishable.

I like the use of bass on the album Energetic disassembly but Ive seen people complain about the fact you can hear it. The Japanese band Doom had an excellent and innovative bassist.
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Emperor actually is a better example of a band who I feel this way about.

I think it's a combination of the the guitar tone and the keys that could throw someone off. I mean, I like it but still, I've heard that complaint from others before and I can see what they mean in that regard.
@The Ozzman See? Intelligent discourse is fun too. :p

Seriously though, I don't agree with all of Bathory's music being the same. There are clearly audible differences between the tracks Elric posted.
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I think it's a combination of the the guitar tone and the keys that could throw someone off. I mean, I like it but still, I've heard that complaint from others before and I can see what they mean in that regard.

Yeah its not a problem I have with Darkthrone or Burzum but I recall having it with Emperor and Immortal from what I remember.
I should check out a Watchtower album for "W" in that ABC challenge. I loved the songs that I heard years ago when I was hanging out at a friend's house. Thanks for the reminder.
Anyone who thinks bass should be eliminated entirely from a genre of music is wrong. And also I dont think ive ever seen an argument made about black metal's need to obscure the bass guitar. I saw a black metal band a while ago that didnt have a bassist, and my main critique of them is that they would have sounded much better with a bass guitar. I dont remember what the band was called (it was at a YOB show in NY earlier this year), but they didnt make me think that black metal would be better off without a bassist. Are there any really good black metal releases that dont have a bass guitar?