Controversial opinions on metal

I do think it was after that remark (or at leas that discussion) that he stopped logging on actually. I tried to cut my use down a little after realising that someone had noticed how much time I waste on here, but failed.
I do think it was after that remark (or at leas that discussion) that he stopped logging on actually. I tried to cut my use down a little after realising that someone had noticed how much time I waste on here, but failed.

I only noticed because of your post count! You're not that far behind me and I joined in February!

Also, are you going to submit a song for the new mixtape?
I probably have the lowest post/days ratio here. X)

Mine is pretty low too. I have been making it a point to post more often though,

He's probably just burned out a bit. Has to get pretty old fast replying to every post on the forum.

Just like SomeGuyDude a year or two ago. He was always on, posted a ton, and then just seemed to vanish. I dont see CIG just up and leaving though, maybe he just had plans for the weekend?
As Ozzman said, his name isn't appearing when you put it with an @ so it looks like he's deleted his account? Or maybe he's made it inactive for a while. Don't know how that works.
So I'll g ok ahead and somewhat take a bit back about calling Slayer mediocre. Show no mercy really is a damn good album and one of the best thrash debuts even if there later stuff does little to nothing for me.
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You'll come round to the others.

Well I already liked Show no mercy just listening again after so long has reminded that it was one of the better thrash debuts. Still I do start getting bored around the halfway point but nothing I can think of that is legitimately wrong with the album.