Controversial opinions on metal

Everyone in America hates Hillary Clinton, I haven't seen a single person voting for Hillary who doesn't see the vote as a vote for the lesser of two evils.

People may not like her but she doesn't get the same level of flack as Trump gets I mean just scrolling through youtube comments and certain other forums people feel the need to throw in a Trump joke no matter how cheap or forced. I'm sick of people trying to bash Trump when they clearly don't have the political knowlege to understand why he sucks in the first place. Hell many of these people aren't even american. Basically it's cool to hate on Trump even though Hillary is actually worse.
His implication was that 2A supporters get out and vote obviously. The media spins shot out of control with him.

Pretty sure the comment was more what you can do if she was elected, rather than what you can to prevent her being elected:

“If she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks. Although the second amendment people, maybe there is, I don’t know. But I’ll tell you what, that will be a horrible day.”

Given how poor a speaker Trump is though, his actual meaning does tend to be a little vague.
Yeah he was, but there are certain jokes you don't get to make when running for president. The fact that his PR team are trying to spin it like he actually meant what Oz thought is proof that even they think he overstepped the line.
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It's hardly worth mentioning in comparison to Hillary's closet of skeletons. Pretty much diversionary bollocks that only leftists care about.

Oh he said a mean/crude thing, lets milk that for a week because yolo #DNC4LYFEBRO.
Pretty sure that it's the first time any presidential candidate as ever suggested that their opponent be assassinated, humorously or otherwise. It would be interesting to see how much bigger a shit storm this would have been had Hilary said it (or made pretty much any of the fuck ups Trump has made over the course of his campaign).

I don't really want to get into another Hilary vs Trump debate, but one thing I'll add that I think is significant is that the Republicans and right wing media have known for 8 years who the likely next Democrat candidate would be. That's a lot of time for Hilary to be placed under a level of scrutiny no other candidate has ever been subjected to, so it's inevitable some shit would surface. Believing anybody else - Democrat or Republican - would have fared any better over that timescale is IMO a naive underestimation of what shitty self-interested people top level politicians are in general (which isn't an argument for recruiting an even bigger shithead of an evil Billionare moron, before you suggest that).
It would be interesting to see how much bigger a shit storm this would have been had Hilary said it (or made pretty much any of the fuck ups Trump has made over the course of his campaign).

Really? Look at all the ridiculous stuff she's already done that nobody but the right really talks about, you think a joke about gun owners killing Trump would cause waves? Please.
Some left-wing British guy already tried, albeit weakly, to shoot Trump and another guy, some retard activist, already rushed Trump's stage to assault him.

Again, this is just candy floss politics. It's pointless, Trump is scum, but c'mon...

But as usual poor ol' Hillary, she was clearly forced to become a career politician and make tons of horrible mistakes, how dare people notice that. :lol:
Really? Look at all the ridiculous stuff she's already done that nobody but the right really talks about, you think a joke about gun owners killing Trump would cause waves? Please.

This is pretty obviously untrue if you think about it. Trump's whole appeal is that he can say whatever the fuck he wants and get away with it, which even I find to be a relief given how most political dialogue has turned into a charade of simperingly inoffensive minority pandering. The fact that he gets to play by different rules is his strength, so if you deny that then you're also denying him the one thing he actually has going for him.

Some left-wing British guy already tried, albeit weakly, to shoot Trump and another guy, some retard activist, already rushed Trump's stage to assault him.

Yeah that was pretty pathetic, lol. But seeing as Hilary had nothing to do with it it isn't really relevant.

But as usual poor ol' Hillary, she was clearly forced to become a career politician and make tons of horrible mistakes, how dare people notice that. :lol:

I'm not trying to elicit your sympathy for Hilary - by all means continue hating her. But when you reflect upon her long list of supposedly heinous crimes, factor into your judgement that we would probably never have known about most of them if she hadn't been such a prominent target for such a long time. That in itself doesn't mitigate their severity, but it also makes one wonder just how much shit could have been dredged up on any other candidate had they been so closely watched over such a long time period. She has been more thoroughly exposed, but at least we know the very worst about her as a result.