Controversial opinions on metal

Lol at the idea Trump just gets away with everything he says and nobody makes a big fuss.

The point isn't that people don't make a fuss about it, it's that it doesn't hurt his polling (at least not until recently). The guy can do an impression of a retarded person, suggest his opponent be assassinated and ask a foreign power to hack Clinton's email account (these are just off the top of my head) and he's still in the running. It's actually impressive that he can get away with what he gets away with.
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The point isn't that people don't make a fuss about it, it's that it doesn't hurt his polling (at least not until recently). The guy can do an impression of a retarded person, suggest his opponent be assassinated and ask a foreign power to hack Clinton's email account (these are just off the top of my head) and he's still in the running. It's actually impressive that he can get away with what he gets away with.

I've seen democrats get away with much worse tbh. I don't get why you don't think a Democrat wouldnt.
The definition of heavy metal is - a type of highly amplified harsh-sounding rock music with a strong beat, characteristically using violent or fantastic imagery. Agreed??
Also - Very loud, brash rock music, often with shouted, violent lyrics.
I can find a lot of incorrect or very skewed information by using Google.

If you disagree with the google definition, may I ask what your own definition is??

I have asked before in the forum what anyones opinion is as to what the definition of heavy metal is, and no-one has given a definition. I gave my own definition previously and people disagreed, yet didnt provide a single definition of their own.

The second quote that I posted just there, is from an online dictionary. ( so not google )
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It's a type of rock music defined by a heavier sound that can vary quite a bit. It certainly doesn't require a harsh sonic structure and shouted or screamed vocals make up a minority of the vocalizations of traditional heavy metal forms.

Despite your earlier attempts to claim something to the contrary, Black Sabbath were one of the first bands to be labeled as heavy metal, as early as 1971. They don't sound like the description that you gave. Neither do the early albums of Judas Priest, which are undeniably heavy metal. Similarly, a lot of other early heavy metal bands don't really match that description.
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It's a type of rock music defined by a heavier sound that can vary quite a bit. It certainly doesn't require a harsh sonic structure and shouted or screamed vocals make up a minority of the vocalizations of traditional heavy metal forms.

Despite your earlier attempts to claim something to the contrary, Black Sabbath were one of the first bands to be labeled as heavy metal, as early as 1971. They don't sound like the description that you gave. Neither do the early albums of Judas Priest, which are undeniably heavy metal. Similarly, a lot of other early heavy metal bands don't really match that description.

When Sabbath were being discussed, I made the statement that `in my opinion Sabbath arent heavy metal`. Understand there, that I said `in my opinion`, if someone labelled them `heavy metal` at any time, that isnt my opinion. What I am trying to do is see if a place can be found where a band stops being heavy rock and becomes heavy metal. When you said Sabbath dont sound like the descition I gave, that was the online description, not mine. And in my opinion, Sabbath arent heavy metal, whereas Judas Priest most definately are.
You stated that Black Sabbath was not called heavy metal until the 1980s and that the term "heavy metal" wasn't used as a music descriptor until Geoff Barton used it in the 1980s when he wrote articles about what he called the New Wave of British Heavy Metal. Those are not opinions and are also incorrect statements

It's cool with me if you have opinions and state them, but making claims that are totally untrue is dumb and annoying.
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How the hell can loud describe a genre of music?

I think they are using LOUD as a part of the description, for the overall picture, You can certainly attribute loud to heavy metal, because for the most part it is, as is heavy rock or hard rock.
Elric. lets not go into the Sabbath being labelled heavy metal thing, What I am asking isnt to do with that at all, I am asking, what in the opinions of anyone in here is the definition of heavy metal. I posted a google definition and I posted a dictionary definition, now, if you agree with those definitions, fine, but why. And if you dont agree with those definitions, fine also, but why. This isnt to do with Sabbath.
I disagree with that description because Black Sabbath and Judas Priest and any bands like them are definitely heavy metal bands, yet that description does not sound like the music that they created. It's very simple to understand and was already explained to you in an earlier post.
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I disagree with that description because Black Sabbath and Judas Priest and any bands like them are definitely heavy metal bands, yet that description does not sound like the music that they created. It's very simple to understand and was already explained to you in an earlier post.

It is good you give your opinion. If you say those definitions given, by google and an online dictionary are incorrect, what I am asking is that if you can, or if anyone at all can, post what heavy metal IS. no one can do that so far. You disagree with the google and the dictionary definition of what heavy metal music is, so what in your opinion then is the definition of heavy metal music. No one at all in the forum has given their definition.
what I am asking is that if you can, or if anyone at all can, post what heavy metal IS. no one can do that so far.

That's weird since I already posted an answer to your query.

It's a type of rock music defined by a heavier sound that can vary quite a bit. It certainly doesn't require a harsh sonic structure and shouted or screamed vocals make up a minority of the vocalizations of traditional heavy metal forms.

To expand upon this extant definition that was given during this very conversation, the variation of heavy metal as a genre is due to several different movements that occurred during different time periods that resulted in different styles of heavy metal that are all commonly derived from a core style.

It could be argued that there are some variations of heavy metal that loosely match up with the description that you provided, but it is far from being an absolute requirement or something that the majority adhere to.