Controversial opinions on metal

So your definition of heavy metal is ` It's a type of rock music defined by a heavier sound that can vary quite a bit` ??? because that is what you posted and then reposted as saying that is what you think it is `It's a type of rock music defined by a heavier sound that can vary quite a bit` because that applies to most rock music and is vague. That would apply to almost any hard rock band.

That definition is not going to separate hard rock or heavy rock from heavy metal. We both agree that there is a difference right??
I'm not really interested in attempting to totally define heavy metal. I'm merely providing a solid enough description of it and I've already demonstrated why the description that you provided isn't accurate, which was the question that you initially sought a response to.

I'm really very uninterested in discussing this type of topic with someone such as yourself, who has admitted to disliking heavy metal music as a whole and has a documented history of providing incorrect information to justify your claims.
I like the early Scorpions material which had Ulrich Roth on guitar, and I consider that to be heavy rock or hard rock, and there is a clear difference between that era of Scorpions music and the one where Mathias Jabbs played guitar, to me that era is heavy metal. There is a clear difference between the early scorpions and the second version, it is like two completely different bands.
Ironically, the earlier Scorpions music with Uli Jon Roth is generally considered to be heavy metal by many, unlike the later music that treads a relatively pedestrian hard rock format and has far less in common with heavy metal.
I'm not really interested in attempting to totally define heavy metal. I'm merely providing a solid enough description of it and I've already demonstrated why the description that you provided isn't accurate, which was the question that you initially sought a response to.

I'm really very uninterested in discussing this type of topic with someone such as yourself, who has admitted to disliking heavy metal music as a whole and has a documented history of providing incorrect information to justify your claims.

So you cannot define it, or you would. I am hoping someone can give their own definition of it, if they disagree with the dictionary definition.

I do like heavy metal music, I like the Jabbs era of scorpions ( amongst lots of other metal bands ), well, the first part of it before they commercialised. Lovedrive and animal magnetism albums are superb, but I cant stand the track` rock you like a hurricane`.
Ironically, the earlier Scorpions music with Uli Jon Roth is generally considered to be heavy metal by many, unlike the later music that treads a relatively pedestrian hard rock format and has far less in common with heavy metal.

Why do you say that?? It is the polar opposite to my opinion. I mean songs like `fly to the rainbow` are to me, progressive rock. They are exprerimental in places, and hard rock. Whereas with Jabbs the studded wrist bands came out and the fast and loud power chords that are synonimous with heavy metal.
The description that I gave provided at least as much information about what the music sounded like as the one that you gave, especially since I provided examples of what heavy metal sounds like in the form of specific bands mentioned by name.
The description that I gave provided at least as much information about what the music sounded like as the one that you gave, especially since I provided examples of what heavy metal sounds like in the form of specific bands mentioned by name.

The version I gave are dictionary ones. ( not my own )

I thank you for your own definition of heavy meatl, however, if I may say, it isnt a specific definition, it can apply to any guitar music. It isnt a definition that applies specifically to heavy metal.

Reread what you posted as to the definition of heavy metal music ` It's a type of rock music defined by a heavier sound that can vary quite a bit` ... that can apply to any guitar band, or most rock bands. It doesnt give a definition of the particular genre of heavy metal .
If you say so. This is a pointless conversation for me to pursue since you don't understand heavy metal and have lied to further your own point of view in the past. I'm quite comfortable in my understanding of what heavy metal is, and so I'm going to stop replying now.
If you say so. This is a pointless conversation for me to pursue since you don't understand heavy metal and have lied to further your own point of view in the past. I'm quite comfortable in my understanding of what heavy metal is, and so I'm going to stop replying now.

You gave your definition of heavy metal as ` It's a type of rock music defined by a heavier sound that can vary quite a bit` .... that could be ANY type of rock music!!

Tell me why it is that you think that I dont understand heavy metal. I am discussing this with people, I am not arguing, I have no ego.

I am asking for what people would put in a dictionary as to what the definition of heavy metal is.

This is the google definition of rock music ( which I dont agree with ) --- a form of popular music which evolved from rock and roll and pop music during the mid and late 1960s. Harsher and often self-consciously more serious than its predecessors, it was initially characterized by musical experimentation and drug-related or anti-establishment lyrics.
It really is more to do with tone that actual musical content IMO. At their extremes, black metal, death metal and doom have few traits that could fall under a single umbrella definition.

I guess there are some alt rock bands with pretty heavy guitar tones, but arguably they were inspired to do so by metal in the first place.
Heavy metal bands dont play many melodies. They use lots of fast changing power chords.

Do you think that heavy metal bands act hard and wear studs and have tattoos ?
Showing your blatant ignorance of the genre again here.

I have an ignorance of the last couple of decades of heavy metal, yes. I agree . But, the metal Ive listened to from the stuff thats been posted in here, it hasnt had melodies in it for the most part. The black metal documentary ( the Norwegian one )that someone posted somewhere on this forum was very good, I enjoyed watching that with my afternoon cup of tea.