Controversial opinions on metal

Listen to this. I mean you'll probably hate it because it's extreme metal, but it's extremely melodic. It also doesn't fit in with your description with what heavy metal is, despite obviously being a metal song. Maybe you're not talking about the entire genre of metal though and you're more referring to traditional metal.

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Yeah, I have to say that that song had a sort of melody in the guitar tune. The guitar line sounded like early Iron Maiden, sort of pahntom of the opera type stuff, the maiden with Dianno singing. I will say this, that song with the singing being deep bass and also non-human-esque and the fast paced bass riff and non stop fast drumming is clearly heavy metal or rather, to my ignorance, black metal. See if someone played some Billie Holliday and then played that song there, you could say, ` I know which of those songs is Jazz and which one of those songs is Metal` but how do you put it into words, or a definition?

In my opinion, the band UFO are not heavy metal, they are very close to being heavy metal, or maybe they are heavy metal, some of it is, but whichever, they do not sound at all like the `Sacrementum` band. There is a HUGE diference.
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"Sort of melody", what? The guitar is like pure melody.

I don't see why you need a definition of what it is - it's too wide a genre, with too much variation in sound to find a single satisfactory definition of imo. You'd have more luck trying to define each sub genre.
"Sort of melody", what? The guitar is like pure melody.

I don't see why you need a definition of what it is - it's too wide a genre, with too much variation in sound to find a single satisfactory definition of imo. You'd have more luck trying to define each sub genre.

There may be a lot of variation but there is a generalistic and strongly recurring theme and sound right through most of metal.

It can definately be defined in a generalistic way.

I havent previously been considering or referring to the `Sacramentum` and new types of metal genre because I am ignorant of them, I have been referring to the Judas Priest type Heavy Metal.
Where I am coming from, at my age and from being back in the day, to me saying deep purple is like Judas Priest is just like saying that Judas Priest is like Sacramentum. They arent.

I do admire the dedication to the music that these musicians love ( referring to the black metal and what have you ). They dont sell out and are honest to their field.
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The change from hard rock to heavy metal was visually defined by the wearing of studded wristbands and the headbanging and moshpits. There was none of that with deep purple and rush and others. The moshpit is heavy metal era.
It's also probably notable that his only purpose since joining has been to incite arguments in this thread.

You seem to keep popping up to post your opinion of me causing arguments. If you see the discussion that people in here have been having tonight as an argument, then that reflects your own mind. There is no arguing here.