Controversial opinions on metal

I'm very confused by that image because Omni seems to have the best post to likes ratio out of everyone pictured and the way that I was welcomed to this site made me think that she was hated by everyone.
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His last posts were resolving long standing tension between he and I. We agreed with each other on the rusty water debate. Then we were resolving conflicts of opinion peacefully and he said I was reasonable. Then TB was banned. Maybe there were no regulars left to argue with and he wanted to leave on a good note. Seems an odd reason to leave but whatever. Yeah it's going to be another one of those quiet forum eras. We do have a new crop from out of nowhere though so who knows what will happen.
His last posts were resolving long standing tension between he and I. We agreed with each other on the rusty water debate. Then we were resolving conflicts of opinion peacefully and he said I was reasonable. Then TB was banned. Maybe there were no regulars left to argue with and he wanted to leave on a good note. Seems an odd reason to leave but whatever. Yeah it's going to be another one of those quiet forum eras. We do have a new crop from out of nowhere though so who knows what will happen.

Who was TB?
It was probably a temp ban, but atm he is saying that he wont come back. I expect him back once he gets bored though.
What's the opinion here on Portal? As close as metal can get to being riffless IMO.

I think they suck.
listened to one album of theres, nothing interesting

Sorry, I meant Bathory brings nothing to the table.
wait what
you mean recently? or at least in the later years i mean

Again I just don't get the appeal of these Norwegian black metal bands like Darkthrone, Immortal, Mayhem, Burzum, and Emperor. I just find them dreadfully boring even if I like the sound. I mean I've really tried but they do nothing for me. I like one song by Burzum but that's it.
listen to very early Mayhem, back when dead was still alive
Euronymous created a guitar style that im sure a lot of bands you listen to take inspiration from
if you have some time watch Until The Light Takes Us () its a documentary on the entire second wave scene and even if you still dont dig those bands sounds i know youll find a lot of appreciation for them, not saying you dont right now i just dont know

you ever listen to this darkthrone track?
LOL at Bathory, one of the most important bands in extreme metal canon, bringing nothing to the table. Laughable.
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idk if he meant in their later works or all together
i dont care either way, unique opinions are fine i just got a little confused
There's unique and then there's posting unsubstantiated bullshit for the sake of being a contrarian lmao. Obviously the thousands of bands influenced by Bathory would disagree that Bathory brings "nothing to the table".
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Well Portal is awesome, just because the riffs aren't your type of riffs doesn't mean they're not riffs. Anyone who isn't into them listen to the song 13 globes.
Hey nerds.

I went out of town 5 days ago, got back yesterday and saw that I was tempbanned for a week, probably because I was extremely (c)rude to rusty water.

CIG is my gun toting, Trump supporting, record purchasing australian alter ego. There's nothing more fun than having insult heavy ten page arguments with myself and inflicting them on this forum.
CIG supports Trump?
In the same way that the allies supported Stalin, if memory serves.
This is why I'm supporting him. Great analogy.

I don't support Trump directly, I fucking hate him. But sure, I'd vote for his overgrown Oompa Loompa ass over Hillary. She's human trash and her email leak pretty much resulted in the execution of an Iranian scientist recently because he worked with the CIA, and they found out.

Shame about the sucky riffs though. Cause of Death is the only Obituary album I like, and only because of the badass solo work - everything else is sub-mediocre.

Harsh. Slowly We Rot is a death metal masterpiece. In my view anyway.

Scum is pure grind surely?

Scum has noticeable Celtic Frost riffs.

Sorry, I meant Bathory brings nothing to the table.

Bathory helped build the table.