Controversial opinions on metal

@EternalMetal I know this isn't a black metal band or album but I think ...And Justice for All proved how crap you can sound without a bass in the mix somewhere. I mean, it has no sense of depth or contrast which is what a song like Master of the Pit possesses in spades.

As for a band I've heard of that sounds good and has no bass, I can't think of one.
The main problem with AJFA's sound is that the guitar tone sometimes has this kind of annoying vibrating dzjum-dzjum quality to it, and the drums are maybe a little too clicky. If those two things were fixed I'd probably love its production.
Anyone who thinks bass should be eliminated entirely from a genre of music is wrong. And also I dont think ive ever seen an argument made about black metal's need to obscure the bass guitar. I saw a black metal band a while ago that didnt have a bassist, and my main critique of them is that they would have sounded much better with a bass guitar. I dont remember what the band was called (it was at a YOB show in NY earlier this year), but they didnt make me think that black metal would be better off without a bassist. Are there any really good black metal releases that dont have a bass guitar?

Inquisition don't use a bass on their records post the debut do they? Live anyway they play as a two piece. I think the same is true of Bolzer (although not strictly black metal).
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Inquisition don't use a bass on their records post the debut do they? Live anyway they play as a two piece. I think the same is true of Bolzer (although not strictly black metal).
Oh yea, I forgot that Inquisition was another two piece group, I was sure that there was some band that I was forgetting about that didnt use bass. Not having a bassist definitely works for Inquisition, but I would never make the claim that they are better without one. Honestly it might even benefit their music if they had some bass lines playing underneath their hypnotic riffing.
He said he was back on Facebook so he'd be using this site less often after EspaDa accused him of being online all the time. I hope he starts posting again soon. I remember not long after I joined he was afk for a few weeks and the board moved so slow in his absence!
I've definitely gotten used to this place being busier. It's been through some crazy dead periods in the last 5 years or so.
He said he was back on Facebook so he'd be using this site less often after EspaDa accused him of being online all the time. I hope he starts posting again soon. I remember not long after I joined he was afk for a few weeks and the board moved so slow in his absence!

I didn't accuse him of anything, I just compared @Internally Deformed to him as they used to spend entire days here. It wasn't a negative remark, I always had lots of reading after coming back from work.
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