Controversial opinions on metal

I'm saying that I've had these types of dissenting posts for almost 10 years and if people can't discern that easily then that's not my problem

Has your response to people questioning your opinions been that they must be butthurt for 10 years too? It seems like it would get boring.
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Maybe you should make better posts.

Let me get right on that

Has your response to people questioning your opinions been that they must be butthurt for 10 years too? It seems like it would get boring.

It doesn't get boring when you aren't wrong

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I wonder what you have to be smoking if you think these two things sound the same.

Even this doesn't sound the same as the first song and they're both songs from Bathory's black metal era.

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So...any thoughts on my last opinion I posted here? Anybody?

It's a cliche that is often not borne out - tons of BM bands have interesting and clearly audible bass parts. In fact I'd say bass is more important in BM than it is in dm or thrash, where the bass line is usually identical to whatever the guitar is playing and therefore almost indistinguishable.
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I didn't know black metal wasn't supposed to have bass :/ maybe that's why I don't like second wave stuff though now that I think about it.

That doesn't really explain why you don't like Darkthrone because it's a pretty good feature in their classic era.