Controversial opinions on metal

Controversial opinion. Heavy Traffic was better than Heavy Metal. I prefer both to anything Disney though.
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I think I agree, but it's been awhile.

To be fair Heavy Traffic is one of my favorite films period and as epic as Heavy metal was I've never been too big a fan of movies that are multiple contained stories plus a lot of those stories never really went any where. I do love the animation and style though plus it obviously had a killer soundtrack.
talking about me behind my back muthafuckas?

lol it's k

not so controversial: arg has the best taste in metal on the forum
Gonna be honest and say I don't know em.

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Controversial opinion:

Whatever you might think of the genre, hair metal has produced some pretty fucking talented musicians.
He's very candid about licking the stink hole of his prostitute of the day.

Arg gets up in your wife's dumper while you're at work, when you pull up in the driveway he sneaks out the backdoor.
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