Controversial opinions on metal

Perhaps I should have mentioned something like Mudvayne's Dig then as a better comparison? Admittedly I havent heard Walk in quite a while, and after listening to it id have to agree that the production isnt really the crucial part in it's heaviness. I dont particularly like the song, but it has a lot of what younger metalheads would consider to be heavy.

But are you yourself standing behind these examples as being good examples of heaviness in production, or that these are examples that other people think are heavy?

I dont think I bring anything up as much as you, lol.

But are you yourself standing behind these examples as being good examples of heaviness in production, or that these are examples that other people think are heavy?

Im not making a qualitative judgment, I was still on the topic of different perceptions of heaviness. Asphyx's Last One on Earth is one of the heaviest albums production-wise imo, but the others I mentioned, no.

If you prefer raw production quality with your extreme music it means you're tryin too hard to be Kvlt or so I've heard.

Yea, pretty much.
I can't be the only one who thinks James Hetfield's vocals have this hillbilly redneck vibe to them. He sounds like he was meant to sing that heavier southern rock you had in the 90s..
I mean his name is just one vowel away from being a Hatfield. I think many of those "Southern metal" bands are fronted by dudes that sound like outright Hetfield clones. I'd be curious to hear someone with a vocal style similar to his, prior to him.
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If we're going by personal opinion which HBB seems to be then:

Autopsy 2
Death 0
Morbid Angel 2 (possibly 3 if we count Abominations)

Death don't have any albums I'd consider timeless classics. First 2 are my favourites and they're like 8 or 8.5 out of 10 for me.
If we're going by personal opinion which HBB seems to be then:

Autopsy 2
Death 0
Morbid Angel 2 (possibly 3 if we count Abominations)

Death don't have any albums I'd consider timeless classics. First 2 are my favourites and they're like 8 or 8.5 out of 10 for me.

Death > Morbid Angel
I mean his name is just one vowel away from being a Hatfield. I think many of those "Southern metal" bands are fronted by dudes that sound like outright Hetfield clones. I'd be curious to hear someone with a vocal style similar to his, prior to him.

I've said this before and people always seem to act like they don't see the simularities.