Controversial opinions on metal

Nope me to. Bruce annoyes me in the long run and Blaze doesnt. Simple as that.

Have you heard any of Blaze's solo stuff? I have all four studio albums, but I haven't really gotten into The Man Who Would Not Die. To be honest I'm rather unimpressed with it at the moment, though that may change.
Have you heard any of Blaze's solo stuff? I have all four studio albums, but I haven't really gotten into The Man Who Would Not Die. To be honest I'm rather unimpressed with it at the moment, though that may change.

I havent. It was a long time ago I found something of the traditional heavy metal interesting. The closest thing I've come lately to that kind of stuff is probably Morgana Lefay. They are awesome but also thrashy. In general classic heavy metal is not stuff I listen to.
I havent. It was a long time ago I found something of the traditional heavy metal interesting. The closest thing I've come lately to that kind of stuff is probably Morgana Lefay. They are awesome but also thrashy. In general classic heavy metal is not stuff I listen to.

Yeah, I kinda feel the same, which might be why I don't find TMWWND as interesting as the other albums, as I first heard them when I was more into classic heavy metal.
I thought this was a metal forum?! WTF is with people not liking Maiden? "Oh their singer is too high-pitched.... blah blah blah..."

And the Deicide hate? Also lame. If you can't dig the first few Deicide albums then let's face it you don't understand death metal. "Oh but I like teh br00tal's tech gore... blah blah blah". FAGGOTRY!
And also, Nile fucking own.

The opposite of controversial.
I have a lot of shit I still need to hear. Would you like to sell me your copy, Benoit?
Same here. I heard one song. Sounded really weird.
And also, Nile fucking own.

I also like Nile. It's not that I love them, but yeah, I think they're good. One thing made me laugh though. When one of them was asked in interview in one stupid Czech magazine, if they've ever been to Egypt.

No. None of them. They'd like to go someday though.

I just like Papyrus Containing the Spell to Preserve Its Possessor Against Attacks From He Who Is in the Water. I had to copy+paste that by the way.
It's a little silly (I often lol at some of the goofier things, like the intentional and over-the-top pick scraping, random hilarious-sounding tapping in the first track), etc...but it was influential, and it's more than a little oddball.