Controversial opinions on metal

So if you had a male to female trans friend you'd still refer to them as a he?

I think gender identity and sexual identity for that matter are very personal things that no one has any business commenting on.
I most certainly would. I'm willing to help them, but that doesn't mean entertaining cognitive delusions. I'll help my schizo friend, but I can't help him unless I acknowledge and make him aware that it's a problem that he thinks the door knobs are plotting against him, and inform him of the fact that he is living under the precepts of a falsehood.
How influential was Queen among metal bands of the 80s? A lot of their songs sound like they couldve been made by a NWOBH band.
Queen was a notable factor in metal because they directly influenced bands like Iron Maiden, Dream Theater and Metallica, and also significantly influenced Judas Priest and indirectly impacted later through them as well.

Another influential band that isn't talked about that often in metal circles is Rush. I was actually just listening to them.
Queen was a notable factor in metal because they directly influenced bands like Iron Maiden, Dream Theater and Metallica, and also significantly influenced Judas Priest and indirectly impacted later through them as well.

Another influential band that isn't talked about that often in metal circles is Rush. I was actually just listening to them.

Metal heads tend to lov e Rush from what ive seen but most get pissed when i mention I think early Rudh is metal.
I most certainly would. I'm willing to help them, but that doesn't mean entertaining cognitive delusions. I'll help my schizo friend, but I can't help him unless I acknowledge and make him aware that it's a problem that he thinks the door knobs are plotting against him, and inform him of the fact that he is living under the precepts of a falsehood.

Fascinating. Since you just compared identifying as a different gender to the sex you were born as with being schizophrenic, do you also feel the same way about people who don't identify as straight? Do they have deep rooted mental issues and suffer from cognitive delusions?
Fascinating. Since you just compared identifying as a different gender to the sex you were born as with being schizophrenic, do you also feel the same way about people who don't identify as straight? Do they have deep rooted mental issues and suffer from cognitive delusions?

From an objectively biological standpoint, yes. I keep seeing the argument that being gay is an observable phenomenon among many species in nature, but id still argue that it is an aberration that is detrimental to the fitness landscape. Considering that we are a widely successful species and are in no way endangered (quite the contrary to an extreme extent, actually), I see absolutely no problem with their abnormal way of life. If mankind was limited to one struggling colony, my perspective may perhaps change.

At least gay people dont feel like their body isnt their own and deny their own biology. I am torn between respecting the sensitivities of someone who believes that they are inherently a different gender, and enabling them to cause permanent physical damage and emotional distress in the illusion that they really can fully rectify their cognitive dissonance (when suicide rate stats show that post-op transgender people are just as suicidal as they were pre-op). It's a really tough judgment call given that science has not studied it thoroughly enough yet. I would encourage the community itself to dictate the most successful way to cope with this issue until a true verdict is established. The current trend of demanding acceptance and treating them like everyone else is the most pragmatic solution. Many unisex bathrooms exist, why should the small population of transgender people have to needlessly suffer emotionally over something as trivial as using a public restroom? While it may well be a mental condition, current science provides no solution to treat it as such.

Id say that the main difference between transgender and homosexuality is that gay people only need the social acceptance part of the equation to be comfortable with themselves. Needing to manipulate hormone levels and external appearances to find comfort seems a bit radical of a concept to sweep under the rug and blindingly accept as necessary. As a medical professional I am all for promoting health and emotional well-being in the population, but transgender people are suffering due to internal factors as well as the external ones.

Why does this issue come up so often here?
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Why does this issue come up so often here?

The rise of bands like Agalloch and WitTR that brought people into metal that normally wouldn't be here. Trendy, pseudo artsy types who love to jump on sjw bandwagons... The types who think metal is a social brotherhood and that going to a black metal show should be a transcendental experience. People who get pissed when their safe space is invaded during a Revenge concert or when they get too close to the pit and get their fucking pumpkin spice latte dumped on them or when they don't see anyone other than white guys at an Arghoslent concert... so they go blog about it and give everyone involved a fucking headache. It's hot topic shit right now, so it gets shoved down everyone's throat. You're either a bigot/racist or sjw. It's why every band that speaks about their country's history has to come out and say they aren't racist, never mind the swastikas in their lyric books, the people complaining would never own them anyway to know.

/end redneck rambling

Tl;dr you all fucking suck and I need a beer.
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What the actual fuck? Absolutely none of that nonsense applies to me.

I'm not a SJW, and in fact they are part of the problem. Calling a trans woman a man to their face is absolutely abhorrent behaviour and there's no need for it. If me taking issue with that is being an SJW then whatever.

The people at the Revenge concert were probably more annoyed that they'd paid to see a shit band.