Controversial opinions on metal

I never said 80s metal wasnt full of greatness. I just said i prefer 80s industrial and i accept the fact im alone on that. I like the textures and atmosphere a lot of industrial artists have to offer. I mean i posted this opinion because Elric suggested i dont post enough actually controversial opinion and now you act as if i do too many.

I think it's just the frequency with which you try to post something that nobody here would agree with. Quite frankly I know next to nothing about 80s industrial, but 80s metal is such a fucking vague term. By this point in time the NWOBHM was in full swing, thrash was invented, 1st wave black metal was fucking shit up, death metal was in it's infancy but still has some late 80s gems, etc. What a band like Throbbing Gristle had achieved that trumps all of this is beyond me, which is why im asking for examples. Be ready to substantiate your claim in more specific terms or dont make it at all.
The rise of bands like Agalloch and WitTR that brought people into metal that normally wouldn't be here. Trendy, pseudo artsy types who love to jump on sjw bandwagons... The types who think metal is a social brotherhood and that going to a black metal show should be a transcendental experience. People who get pissed when their safe space is invaded during a Revenge concert or when they get too close to the pit and get their fucking pumpkin spice latte dumped on them or when they don't see anyone other than white guys at an Arghoslent concert... so they go blog about it and give everyone involved a fucking headache. It's hot topic shit right now, so it gets shoved down everyone's throat. You're either a bigot/racist or sjw. It's why every band that speaks about their country's history has to come out and say they aren't racist, never mind the swastikas in their lyric books, the people complaining would never own them anyway to know.

/end redneck rambling

Tl;dr you all fucking suck and I need a beer.

B...but Agalloch's good though :cry:. WitTR is alright but not AS good.

That being said, I've met people like that before. They don't seem to enjoy the music at all. They just like to wax lyrical about how they're so much better than everyone else for listening to black metal(yet when it comes to Immortal, Darkthrone, Celtic Frost, Dissection, etc. getting mentioned, they get their panties in a twist :bah:).
I think it's just the frequency with which you try to post something that nobody here would agree with. Quite frankly I know next to nothing about 80s industrial, but 80s metal is such a fucking vague term. By this point in time the NWOBHM was in full swing, thrash was invented, 1st wave black metal was fucking shit up, death metal was in it's infancy but still has some late 80s gems, etc. What a band like Throbbing Gristle had achieved that trumps all of this is beyond me, which is why im asking for examples. Be ready to substantiate your claim in more specific terms or dont make it at all.

80s industrial is also a vague term in fact id say its a lot more vague than 80s metal since industrial is already a loose term and itself had plenty of sub genres and derivities. Most of my controversial opinions tend to be related to Metallica, Slayer, and Iron Maiden, besides i assumed everyone was aware i was big into industrial and wasnt all that impressed with a lot of popular metal bands and albums particularly in the realm of death metal and black metal. I could post some industrial I love but i know youre going to shoot it down because its not your kind of music.
Really man? Front Line Assembly? Coil?

Industrial 80's?

Really what? Those are both classic industrial groups from the 80s and Godflesh is too but Godflesh is Industrial metal so it wouldnt have made as much sense to post them considering the context of the discussion.
yeah but they suck. Godflesh does not
80's Industrial vs 80's Metal does not warrant any sort of discussion

Coil is better than Godflesh. Most would agree with me on that. Nothing wrong with Front line Assembly or at least the early stuff. Foetus, Cabaret Voltaire, and Einsturzende Neubauten are the best ones though.