Controversial opinions on metal

Doom metal arguably could be said to have peaked in the 90's. Revelation, Scald, Solitude Aeturnus, Solstice, Iron Man...

Though I think it's just more a case of doom metal being very very consistent.

Doom is a difficult sub-genre to evaluate because more so than other sub-genres, it lacks cohesion. I'm not super interested in traditional doom, but more doom/death, gothic doom, funeral doom, etc. So when I say the 90s were the best, that's the sort of stuff I have in mind. I don't have a position on what was the best era for more traditional doom.
did you buy a revelation off of me? send that shit back, you are unworthy!

Better watch out, he'll start replying to everything you post with some half assed attempt at trolling you.

My bad for leaving you hanging so long on that second chance offer for the Mourn album btw, had to see if I won any more of your stuff first.
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Especially since goth/doom and funeral doom are some of the most stale shit out there. Death/doom had its moments although I'd say those more or less ended by 1993 or so anyways.
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People who dismiss traditional doom metal usually have crappy music taste.

I don't dismiss it. However, with some definite exceptions, I find most of the albums traditional doom fans love to be decent, but ultimately not something that I feel inspired to go back to.

Especially since goth/doom and funeral doom are some of the most stale shit out there. Death/doom had its moments although I'd say those more or less ended by 1993 or so anyways.

Tbh when you say something sucks, I take it as a ringing endorsement.
Better watch out, he'll start replying to everything you post with some half assed attempt at trolling you.

My bad for leaving you hanging so long on that second chance offer for the Mourn album btw, had to see if I won any more of your stuff first.

Eh its cool, Justin eh? sick last name, brah

that dude who won that auction bid on a whole bunch of shit and never said/paid for anything. And now I got this Puerto Rican who bought like ~20cds and won't respond more than once a week. Such a pain in my ass
Indeed. I can't really listen to Messiah, he overuses vibrato to the point where it sounds like he has a jackhammer lodged in his asshole.
:lol: I can't say I agree, but I'll admit that was funny.

People who dismiss traditional doom metal usually have crappy music taste.

Most people who do that just aren't fans of doom in general.

I don't dismiss it. However, with some definite exceptions, I find most of the albums traditional doom fans love to be decent, but ultimately not something that I feel inspired to go back to.

I feel that way about Saint Vitus; they are influential and deserve their place in the hall of fame, but, on a personal level, I just find them to be decent. However, I am definitely a fan of epic doom metal. It just so happens that that, too, came into its own in the 90's.

What sort of traditional doom do you find to be exceptions in your case?
Doom is a difficult sub-genre to evaluate because more so than other sub-genres, it lacks cohesion. I'm not super interested in traditional doom, but more doom/death, gothic doom, funeral doom, etc. So when I say the 90s were the best, that's the sort of stuff I have in mind. I don't have a position on what was the best era for more traditional doom.

I'm not a big fan of the more "extreme" doom metal styles, but I will agree that when a band in that area nails it, they really nail it.

Messiah is the only real reason to listen to Candlemass

This is a very stupid opinion. Though I do personally think Messiah is a great vocalist, there is definitely much more to Candlemass than their vocalists.
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Edling ran it dry by Nightfall and he never wrote another song better than good after it (and most of them lean towards sub-mediocrity).