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- Sep 16, 2007
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From Those I'd say Necromantia and Nocternity are the top tier. The other bands, I see a lot of hype but they dont deliver hard enough for me.
This is an excerpt from a MA review of Sunbather that essentially sums up why I don't like it.
"Right from the off, the listener is treated to major-scale post-rock strumming which is joined shortly after by blast beats, all of which are played at a high tempo and at a VERY loud volume. The vocals then come in, being a sort of screech buried behind the wall of noise that is the instruments. This continues for about 5 minutes, and then it all goes quiet for about 30 seconds whilst an acoustic guitar line is played. The band then comes crashing back into the music, playing at a much slower tempo than before, and continuing this way right till the end of the track."
coming to the conclusion that Graveland is "overrated" after listening to songs "from I think Memory and Destiny to Spears of Heaven" in the span of an hour (what, like 4 songs?) is like listening to only Darkthrone's blackcrust era and judging the band solely on those specific albums. it's borderline retarded.
What a terribly vague and poorly articulated critique. Tons of black metal bands have long songs with only two or three passages. Burzum made its fucking legacy doing that. That, in fact, is one of the reasons that black metal and post rock are so compatible: both genres contain compositional templates that rely on the rely on repetition and/or gradual development.
And before you ask a band that isn't over rated would have to be a band that has every album, or the vast majority of their albums, stellar and elite, such as Nokturnal Mortum, Sulphur Aeon, Nevermore, Bloodbath, Enslaved etc.
Speaking of Graveland, were any of you queers aware of this?
Yeah that was a pretty vague critique. There's plenty out there that details exactly why Deafheaven is the nadir of black metal (if you can even call it that). In my view, it's crap because it takes the most generic tremolo melodies imaginable, pastes blast beats over them and inserts random acoustic noodling in between. Just like most other "post-black metal". It's also disjointed and has incredibly grating vocals. Burzum certainly didn't write songs like this.
The fact that HamburgerBoy jumps to their defence (despite him probably not even liking them) shows just how terrible they actually are. He likes to latch on to these maligned bands and spout shit about how "at least they have more riffs than *insert good band*".
poor Hamburger Boy. Always getting picked on. Hamburger Boy can you please put a long time mystery of mine to rest and tell me the origins of your user name?
i was but i haven't listened to it. good?
so you are consistent with this weird ass definition of overrated. that's fine then.
The logic isn't weird at all. i listened to songs i was familiar with, but hadn't heard in a long time. these songs were scattered throughout the albums I mentioned. The albums I mentioned make up 50% of the band's career and are replete with filler. As stated by others, the band's early 90's material is easily the best output they ever had, but makes up less than half of their career. Everyone always gushes over Graveland (not "early Graveland") but from what I just articulated, it's clear they're over rated.