I wish my loads were vanilla-flavored.
And you did this all in an hour? Woah what is your secret, I want what he's got, I'll have what she's having, I'll buy that for a dollar etc etc etc.
Yea, it's kinda hard to explain so try and stick with me here, but see on these digital media players we all use there's this cool button I found to fast forward, rewind, start and stop. It really helps you control time when you need to!
Nah, but my bedroom would probably smell better.
It also really helps to absolutely ruin any credibility your opinion might have on the quality of an album or discography.
What's next, going to opine on a fucking movie after you fast-forwarded through 84 minutes of it?
I stand corrected @CASSETTEISGOD . Putsch sounds atrocious, but Holyarrow is killer. Nice rec.
Also, Ritual Day's 2003 debut Sky Lake is pretty cool. If you're into melodic black metal.
Anyone else notice how similar the new Metallica album art is to Crowbar's Odd Fellow's Rest?